Wondering how to keep track of grades? This grade tracker printable is the quick and easy answer! This printable can be used as a traditional (in-person public or private school), distance learning, or homeschool grade tracker.
Whether they’re your grades or your kid’s, there are a myriad of reasons you may need a reliable way to keep track of grades. For example, if you or your child is trying to raise the grade achieved in a particular subject, learning how to keep track of grades can help you see if you’re getting close to accomplishing that goal. Another example of why you may want to utilize a grade tracker is if you need to maintain a certain GPA to keep a scholarship or other financial aid. Whatever the reason, this grade tracker printable is my go-to option.
Wondering why a printable instead of a grade tracker online? Great question! There certainly are many options for grade trackers online, from actual apps dedicated to the purpose to simple spreadsheet templates. Here are a few of the reasons I prefer this printable to any grade tracker online:
- Access – Any grade tracker online is going to require power (or at least a charged battery) and likely Internet access or cell phone service.
- Portability – This printable can be taken anywhere. It is part of the 13-page student planner printable bundle, more on that later, and can easily fit in a binder or folder.
- Easy – Figuring out how to keep track of homeschool grades or school grades using this printable couldn’t be easier … the same can’t be said for all online applications!
Grade Tracker Printable
This in-person, distance learning, and homeschool grade tracker printable is pretty straight forward. It features columns for the:
- Date – This could be the date the assignment was issued, the date it is due, or the date you received the grade, whichever works best for you.
- Assignment/exam – This is where you can write a brief description of what the assignment is or what the exam is for.
- Points earned – How many points you received.
- Points possible – The highest amount of points you could have received.
- Grade received – What the actual grade was.
You can either keep track of all grades in one place or, and this is my preference, have a separate grade tracker printable for each subject or class. The reason I prefer to keep things separate is it’s easier to figure out what your final grade currently is for each class … if you’re tracking everything together it becomes a bit more difficult.
Helping you figure out how to keep track of grades isn’t the only thing this printable does. It can also help you plan. If you’re in college, or possibly even a high school class, there’s a good chance that the instructor will hand out a syllabus at the beginning of the semester or quarter. You can translate the assignments, projects, and exams from that syllabus over to the grade tracker printable to create a sort of road map for the course. At a glance, you’ll know what work is coming your way and you can use the grade tracker printable to shape your weekly or daily to-do lists.
Bonus: Here are some planners you can use to track those to-dos:
- 3 Printable Hourly Schedule Templates
- Free Printable Daily Planner
- 13-Page Student Planner Printable Bundle
Obviously, this approach doesn’t work if you’re using this as a homeschool grade tracker printable, unless you’re going to create your own syllabus, right? 😉 However you can still use this as a way to keep track of homeschool grades.
The Goal Tracker Printable and the 13-Page Student Planner Printable Bundle
The grade tracker printable is part of the 13-page student planner printable bundle. This is a powerful organization bundle that can help students of all ages achieve academic success and balance school with other facets of life. The student planner printable bundle includes:
- Goal Tracker Template Printable
- Grade Tracker Printable
- Student Assignment Tracker Template Printable
Bonus: Here are some more posts for students (or parents of students):
- Free School Supplies for College Students
- 25 Cheap and Easy Meals for College Students
- 32 First Day of School Quotes for Teachers, Students, and Parents
- 29 Cheap Healthy Meals For College Students
Double bonus: Here are some additional tracking and schedule templates that may come in handy for things outside of school:
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