When the doorbell rings, what’s the first thought that pops into your head? If it has something to with the fact that your home is definitely not ready for visitors, this printable cleaning schedule is for you. Trust me, this customizable free printable cleaning checklist will have you rolling out the welcome mat! 🙂

Okay, look, I know it has to be done, but cleaning is definitely not my favorite thing. The broom and I are never going to be BFFs. The thought of a new sponge and the citrus scent of cleaners is never going to have me leaping from bed, bright eyed and eager. Sorry, it’s just not going to happen.
However, that said, I do enjoy a tidy home. To help me overcome my procrastination and jam-packed schedule, I rely on, you guessed it, a printable! 😉 More specifically, a free printable cleaning schedule.
This printable weekly cleaning schedule breaks up household chores over the course of six days, which makes them seem less like a marathon and much more manageable. Instead of spending hours dashing around the house trying to do it all at once, there are just a few things to do each day! If you’re ready to whip your home into shape, download your copy of the free printable cleaning schedule now!
Bonus: This printable cleaning log is actually a twofer. When you download the file you’ll get a PDF version of the free printable cleaning checklist and a customizable Word file. Use the Word file if you want to shift the cleaning schedule around to fit your life.
For example, I really (really) hate cleaning bathrooms, so I used the customizable version of the printable weekly cleaning schedule and moved bathrooms to earlier in the week. You can do the same with your most hated chores. Or if Saturdays are super busy you could move those cleaning tasks to Sunday. Whatever works best for you!
Below you’ll find a detailed look at the printable cleaning schedule as well as pro tips and items that might make a task easier.
Psst! To quickly jump to a day of the week, click a link below:
Printable Cleaning Schedule: Every Day Tasks
Unfortunately, some cleaning tasks have to be done each day. For many of these tasks you may want to invest in a nice pair of rubber gloves, otherwise your hands will pay the price!
Room: Misc.
Here’s what the free printable cleaning schedule template has down for your daily to-do list:
- Wash dishes or unload/load the dishwasher.
- Materials: Dish detergent – avoid harsh chemicals by using these recipes for homemade cleaners, including dish detergent!
- Wipe bathroom counters and sink down.
- Wipe down the kitchen counters, sink and table.
- Make beds.
- Do a quick pick up (ex. children’s toys).
- Open and sort mail. Don’t just put it on your kitchen table or counter!
- Materials: Mail organizer
- Do laundry. Make sure to keep this one on your printable cleaning log; doing a load a day will prevent clothing avalanches from occurring! It can also prevent your closet or laundry room from taking on a funky odor.
- Materials: Laundry detergent
- Take out the garbage and recycling.
- Materials: Garbage/recycling can
- Sweep and mop the kitchen floor.
Pro tip: Keep “sweep and mop the kitchen floor” at the end of the “every day” portion of your free printable cleaning checklist. Sweeping and mopping the kitchen at the end of the day ensures you don’t leave crumbs lying around that can attract bugs. Yuck!
Printable Cleaning Schedule: Monday
Happy Monday! Start your week off on the right foot by getting some cleaning out of the way. My printable cleaning log has me tackling my favorite (sarcasm) chore bright and early Monday morning.
Room: Bathrooms
- Clean counters, sinks, and mirrors.
- Materials: Homemade cleaners
- Clean toilets.
- Materials: Toilet brush
- Wipe down tubs/showers.
- Sweep and mop floors.
- Wash bath mats.
Pro tip: If you haven’t replaced your bath mat since oh, I don’t know, college consider buying a new bath mat. 😉
- Task: Clean out drawers and cabinets.
Pro tip: If there’s something you don’t need or that has expired get rid of it! If your drawers seem like a bottomless pit look for drawer organizers to neaten things up.
Printable Cleaning Schedule: Tuesday
Stick to Tuesday’s free printable cleaning schedule and your kitchen and dining room will be clean enough to eat off of … wait…
Room: Kitchen and Dining Room
- Clean stove (cooktop).
- Materials: Homemade cleaners
- Clean small appliances, such as your toaster.
- Wipe out the microwave.
- Wipe out the fridge. This is also a good opportunity to wipe down the outside of the fridge—especially if you have a stainless steel fridge. Where do all those fingerprints come from?
- Wipe down the cabinets.
- Dust. You can use an old t-shirt for this but sometimes a duster is nice.
Pro Tip: Cleaning your small appliances includes cleaning your coffee maker! Have a Keurig? Here’s how to descale a Keurig.
- Clean cycle the dishwasher.
- Deep clean the fridge and freezer.
- Organize cupboards and pantry.
- Materials: Cabinet organizers
Pro Tip: When you do the deep clean of your fridge and freezer, make an inventory of what food you have on hand and stick it to the front of the fridge. Trust me, it’ll come in handy the next time one of your kids or your spouse declares there’s nothing to eat! Using a printable meal planner is also a good idea.
- Clean the oven.
Printable Cleaning Schedule: Wednesday
Happy hump day! Good news—the free printable cleaning schedule template gives you a bit of a break here so you won’t find anything too terribly strenuous.
Room: Living Room
- Dust and polish.
- Straighten shelves and cabinets.
- Wipe down and organize toys.
- Vacuum, sweep, and/or mop.
- Materials: Vacuum
- Water and dust plants.
- Wash pillow covers, couch covers, and blankets.
- Clean under couches, chairs, and other furniture.
- Dust ceiling fans and light fixtures.
- Materials: Extendable duster
Pro tip: You can also freshen up those pillows, couches, and soft surfaces with a homemade linen spray; opt for lavender essential oil to promote relaxation in your home!
- Shampoo carpet.
- Materials: Carpet cleaner
Printable Cleaning Schedule: Thursday
As your little one grows up, I recommend delegating this aspect of the printable weekly cleaning schedule to him or her. Tidying up is a great way for him or her to learn to respect their belongings. Consider using this free printable chore chart for kids or this printable chore chart with point tracking to help keep them organized.
Room: Bedrooms
- Dust.
- Vacuum.
- Empty the garbage.
- Water and dust plants.
- Wash bedding.
- Straighten closet and drawers.
- Materials: Drawer organizers or closet organizers
- Dust ceiling fans and light fixtures.
- Clean under the bed.
Pro tip: Under the bed is often underutilized prime real estate. Invest in under the bed storage containers to take advantage of this great space.
- Shampoo carpets.
Printable Cleaning Schedule: Friday
TGIF – right? Stick with the printable cleaning log—the week is almost over!
Room: Office, Halls, Stairs, and Laundry
- Dust.
- Vacuum, sweep, and/or mop.
- Take out garbage.
- Wipe off washer and dryer.
- Water and dust plants.
- Straighten drawers, shelves, and desk area.
- Materials: Desk organizer
- Straighten linen closet.
- Dust ceiling fans and light fixtures.
- Clean the inside of the washing machine.
- Materials: Washing machine cleaner
- Shampoo carpets.
Printable Cleaning Schedule: Saturday
Today, the free printable cleaning schedule template takes you to the great outdoors.
Room: Outside
- Sweep out the garage.
- Lawn work including mowing the lawn, weeding flower beds, and raking leaves.
- Materials: Lawn mower, weed whacker, gardening tools, or a rake
- Sweep porch and patio.
- Organize the garage (or make your hubby do it!).
- Materials: Shelves or storage bins
- Clean cars inside and out.
- Materials: Hose and car cleaner
Printable Cleaning Schedule: Sunday
- Whew! You made it through the entire free printable cleaning checklist! Now it’s time to take a well deserved break!
Room: None
Note: This free printable cleaning schedule template covers the main areas of the house, but it isn’t totally exhaustive. For example, it doesn’t include the attic or basement. You may want to add a note to your printable cleaning schedule to tidy up those areas once a quarter or so.
Want to make your printable cleaning schedule as comprehensive as possible? Get cleaning inspiration by referring to the:
- HUGE spring cleaning checklist.
- 29 page printable cleaning checklist. Yes, 29 pages!
And if you’re a bit of a nerd for organization (and printables!) like yours truly, consider adding a printable cleaning schedule and cleaning stickers to your routine. Both can help you keep track of what tasks were done when and what still needs to be vacuumed, dusted, polished, etc.
Happy cleaning! 🙂
Thanks, Happy Money Saver and Decorating Files!
Lisa says
I am unable to get the customizable cleaning schedule to download. Is there something wrong with the link?
Kimberly says
Thank you. 🙂
Kelli says
Hi Lisa, I just checked and the link worked. Please try it again. Hope you are able to download it.
Shawnda says
I couldn’t get the customizable one to download, it says something’s wrong – is it expired?
Thanks 🙂
Bree says
The Word document version has lines that are different than the PDF. Might need to be updated to be right? For example under Saturday/Outside Work it’s all examples of inside work!
Jamie says
Is there a way to edit the schedule without word? We only have Mac computers and it won’t work for me. I figured it didn’t hurt to inquire. I love your schedule but wanted to add a few things! Thank you! 🙂
Amberly says
Thanks for the schedule!!! I’m looking forward to getting organized this year!
Kelli says
You are very welcome, Amberly! 🙂
Kelli says
Hmmmm….not sure, Jamie. I am a PC user. Sorry.
Kelli says
Hi Shawnda, You can send me your email and I’ll make sure you get it. 🙂
Kelly says
I can’t download the cleaning schedule it just keeps returning me to the same place 🙁 I have subscribed already. I also tried with the spring cleaning schedule and the same thing happened? Would you be able to email me both? Pref as word docs? Thanks in advance :)) koverton1980@gmail.com
Al says
Hello! I have subscribed and haven’t received the download for the printing schedule!
Kelli says
Hi Kelly, I sent you the free printable. 🙂
Kelli says
Hi Al, I apologize you are having issues downloading the free printable. Send me your email and I will make sure you get it.
Amanda says
Can you send me the customizable download as well? Thank you!
Amanda says
Sorry! Email is amanda.sikes@icloud.com. Thanks!
kendra says
I signed up, but have not received my email link for the free printable.
Kelli says
Hi Kendra, Send me an email and I will make sure you get it. Kelli
Kelli says
Sent 🙂
Brenda says
Hi I’m having trouble downloading the customizable link. By custmomizable do you mean we could change the DAYS the chores take place?? For example I would like to complete Bathrooms on Friday.
I can’t seem to get the list to alter at all.
ChanTell says
I have been trying to get this printable and I can’t get it. Not sure why 🙁
Kelli says
Hi ChanTell, I emailed it you. 🙂
Nicole says
Hi! I subscribed but can’t download the customizable cleaning sheet. Can you sent that to me? Thanks!
Kelli says
Hi Nicole, If your popup blocker is on you may not be able to see the printable. It should show up in the bottom of the screen. You can email me and I’ll make sure you get it. 🙂 Kelli
Lillian Ward says
Can you please email me a copy as well? Thanks! lillianann@hotmail.com
Kelli says
Hi Lily, I emailed you the free printable. 🙂 Kelli
Susan says
Hello, I am in desperate need of your printable cleaning schedule download. The link does not download the file. Is it still possible to get it? Thank you ♡
Kelli says
Hi Susan, If your popup blocker is on you may not be able to see the printable. It should show up in the bottom of the screen. You can email me and I’ll make sure you get it. 🙂 Kelli
Sara says
Can u plz email me it? Same ossue as everyone else :/. Unrealistic_10@hotmail.com
Kelli says
Hi Sara, I emailed you the free printable. 🙂 Kelli
Crystal Kay Anderson says
Can you send the link as I too am having problems now even though I subscribed? crystal.kay.velez@gmail.com
Lindsay Toro says
I put my email in twice and never received an email with the free download….I really think this is awesome and keep me on track with cleaning. Thanks!
Kelli says
Hi Lindsay, Please send me an email and I’ll make sure you get it. 🙂 Kelli
Kelli says
Hi Crystal, I emailed you the free printable. 🙂 Kelli
Michelle Adair says
Hi can you send me a schedule please.
Thanks, Michelle
Kelli says
Hi Michelle, I emailed you the free printable. 🙂 Kelli
cortney says
Hi. I subscribed to try and get this download and it wont let me, it keeps wanting me to re-subscribe. Can I get it sent to me as well? Thank you.
Kelli says
Hi Cortney, I emailed you the free printable. 🙂 Kelli
Sheila says
Could I also receive the document please?
Kelli says
Hi Sheila, Please send me an email and I’ll make sure you get it. 🙂 Kelli
Lindsey says
Will you send it to me as well? LBrittin@gmail.com — thank you!
Kelli says
Hi Lindsey, I emailed you the free printable. 🙂 Kelli
Mari says
My husband and I have been discussing me being a stay at home wife (possibly with a part-time job that’s flexible, like an independent contractor so that I still have work experience to list) for the last few months. He’s going back to law school and once he’s done will probably earn enough to not need me to work anymore. We don’t plan on having children, so it’s something I’ve been trying to work out the tasks for to see if I can still swing a gardener since I HATE mowing the lawn.
This is one of the best printable schedules I’ve found, though I think in reality I’m going to merge three or four together. 🙂
Also, *I* was having trouble doing the downloadable. The link has not come to my inbox (or spambox) thus far. There was, however, a liiiittttllllleeeeee tiny link to download the customizable one that I found so all is good. 🙂
Kelli says
Great! Thanks for sharing, Mari! 🙂
Kayla says
I’m unable to download the printable cleaning schedule . kaylafritsch@gmail.com. Thank you !
Kelli says
Hi Kayla, I emailed you the free printable. 🙂 Kelli
Michelle says
Hi! Could I get the customizable checklist, as well? Thanks! Mvanschepen@att.net
Kelli says
Hi Michelle, I emailed you the free printable. 🙂 Kelli
Maria Howard says
I cannot get this to download?
Kelli says
Hi Maria, Please send me an email and I’ll make sure you get it. 🙂 Kelli
Tiffany says
Hi there,
I absolutely love the weekly cleaning schedule! I did get that to download in a PDF file but I would love to download the word costumizable schedule. If you could email it to me that would be great! rego.tiffany@gmail.com
Thank you in advance!
Tiffany says
I actually found the link to download the word schedule. Please, delete this comment and my original comment.
Sorry and thank you, again!
Kelli says
Yeah! Thanks for sharing, Tiffany! 🙂 Kelli
Shelley says
Hi, I requested the Word version. I just found the link, so no need to send to me now. Thanks again! Shelley
Kelli says
Great! Thanks for the heads up, Shelley! 🙂 Kelli
Julia Rob says
I can’t get the link to work either.
Kelli says
Hi Julia, I emailed you the free printable. 🙂 Kelli
Amanda says
could you please email me the customizable free printable cleaning list, i have tried the link several times and cannot get it to open. Thanks
Amanda says
sorry my email is Acerickson10@gmail.com
Kelli says
Hi Amanda, I emailed you the free printable. 🙂 Kelli
Kelli says
Yep…it’s sent. 🙂 Kelli
stephanie easley says
Hi can I receive a link to the customization schedule? I can’t open the link.
Thank you in advance!
Kelli says
Hi Stephanie, I emailed you the free printable. 🙂 Kelli
Gill says
I am unable to download the cleaning list .please could u email it to me.manyou thanks for this.
Kelli says
Hi Gill, I emailed you the free printable. 🙂 Kelli
Ashley Galarza says
I’d also love the customizable schedule, please! My email is galarza.ae@gmail.com – Thank you! 🙂
Kelli says
Hi Ashley, I emailed you the free printable. 🙂 Kelli
Trina E. says
I’d also like a copy of the customizable schedule, please. It wouldn’t work for me either.
My email is trinae78@gmail.com. Thanks a million!!
Kelli says
Hi Trina, I emailed you the free printables. 🙂 Kelli
Mo says
Please email me a copy also thank you
Kelli says
Hi Mo, I emailed you the free printable. 🙂 Kelli
Mel says
Hi Kelli!
I can’t download the link either.
Can u please send me a link? Thanks!!
Great blog!!
Kelli says
Hi Mel, I emailed you the free printable. 🙂 Kelli
Casey says
For some reason I am not able to edit the blue boxes and some of them downloaded into odd places…
Kelli says
Hi Casey, I am not sure if you are using the Word document version, but I emailed you just in case. 🙂 Kelli
Shannon says
Hi! Does the customizable come through my email?
I’m not sure where to print it? I’m also in need of the family budget one.
Kelli says
Hi Shannon, I emailed you the customizable version. 🙂 Kelli
Jessica says
Hi. I am unable to download both the weekly cleaning schedule, as well as the customizable one. Could you please send me these to download?
Thank you. I appreciate your assistance.
Kelli says
Hi Jessica, I emailed you the free printable. 🙂 Kelli
Pauletta Thompson says
I am unable to get the customizable download to work for me. May you send it to me as well?
Theresa Kwasniewski says
I am not able to get the cleaning printable link to work…I am hoping that if you get a moment to email me the printable sheets, purdy please! I am looking forward to getting my home notebook started and to be able to have a guide so-to-speak of to get me off to a good start and getting organized! I need all the help that I can get, trust me on that note! Any suggestions on setting up my home notebook would also be of help….
Thanking you in advance, Theresa
Kelli says
Hi Theresa, I emailed you the free printable. 🙂 Kelli
Kelli says
Hi Pauletta, I emailed you the free printable. 🙂 Kelli
Erica Marchan says
HI Kelli,
Can you email me the free printable as well. Unable to customize it.
Kelli says
Hi Erica, I emailed you the free printable. 🙂 Kelli
Charlie says
Hi Kelli, I can’t get the link to work. When you get a chance will you please email me the sheets?
Kelli says
Hi Charlie, I emailed you the free printables. 🙂 Kelli
Stephanie says
Hi Kelli,
I’m in the same boat, I can’t get it to download. Could you email me the link when you get a chance?
Kelli says
Hi Stephanie, I emailed you the free printable. 🙂 Kelli
Kelsey says
Can you please email me the link to customize.
Thank you!
Kelli says
Hi Kelsey, I emailed you the free printable. 🙂 Kelli
Cynthia A Velez says
Can I also have the link for the download? Can’t find it on the page. thank you
Kelli says
Hi Cynthia, You should now be able to sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. ? Kelli
You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2
Chrissy says
HI there! When I click on the customizable schedule link, I get a bunch of words on top of each other. Would you mind sending it to me? It’s exactly what I need!! Thank you!
Kelli says
Hi Chrissy, You should now be able to sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. You will find all the printables there. ? Kelli
You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2
Christina says
I have subscribed and can’t get the editable version of the weekly cleaning schedule.
Would you email the link to me, please?
Kelli says
Hi Christina, You should now be able to sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. You will find all the printables there. ? Kelli
You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2
Christina says
I can see all the printables except the editable weekly cleaning list.
Kelli says
Hi Christina, You should now be able to sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. You will find all the printables there. ? Kelli
You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2
Lisa Hall says
Please send the customizable checklist to me. I can’t get it to download.
Thanks so much.
Kelli says
Hi Lisa, You should now be able to sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. You will find all the printables there. ? Kelli
You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2
Kelsey says
Hi. I would love the cleaning list. I signed up for your newsletter but was still unable to access the cleaning list that I can customize. I would love the weekly and spring cleaning checklist. Can you send them to me?
Kelli says
Hi Kelsey, After you sign up you will receive a code which you enter on the free printables page. Hope that helps! 🙂 Kelli
Andrea says
Hello! I tried to download the customizable cleaning schedule, but it’s not working for me for some reason. Do you happen to know how I could get that to work?
Thanks so much! 🙂
Kelsey says
I used the code but when I click to download any of the free printable it takes me back to signing up for your newsletter. I don’t know why the code is not working for me.
Kelli says
Do you click “Access Printables”? After that you should be sent to the printables page and be able to click on any printable to download them.
Kelli says
Andrea, What is happening after you enter the code?
Kelsey says
Yes, I clicked “Access Printables” and then it sends me to a page to subscribe for the newsletter (which I have already done). I have tried it three times now with the same result. I was using Crome. I just tried using Explorer and it worked! Yay! The only other question I have is that I was able to download the weekly cleaning schedule, but only the pdf version. I believe you mentioned on your website that you had a word document that you could customize, correct? Can you send that version to me? It looks like it is not available on your webpage. Or at least it wasn’t on the page with the rest of the documents you can download.
Kristi Hance says
Can you send me the customizable cleaning schedule as well?
Kelli says
Hi Kelsey, I emailed you the customizable version. Best, Kelli 🙂
Kelli says
Hi Kristi, You should now be able to sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. You will find all the printables there. ? Kelli
You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2
Ashley Smith says
Could you please email me the customizable page please? Having trouble getting anything to download.
Thank You.
Kelli says
Hi Ashley, You should now be able to sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. You will find all the printables there. ? Kelli
You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2
Sinar Shebl says
Can I get one of the customisable cleaning schedule as well please 🙂
Jaime says
hello! i cant get the free printable. My email is jaipo1020@gmail.com
Kelli says
Hi Sinar, You should now be able to sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. You will find all the printables there. ? Kelli
You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2
Kelli says
Hi Jaime, You should now be able to sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. You will find all the printables there. ? Kelli
You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2
Kim says
I cannot access the download link. I have subscribed though. Please could you send me a download link to the pdf and customisable one too?
Cheers, Kim
Kelli says
Hi Kim, Did you receive the code? If so, did you enter it here: https://www.freebiefindingmom.com/printables/
Dani says
Hi, I tried signing up several times but never received the confirmation email. Trying to download and print the cleaning template
Kelli says
Hi Dani, I emailed you the free printable. 🙂 Kelli
Aleda says
Can you send this to me please?
Kelli says
Hi Aleda, You should now be able to sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. You will find all the printables there. ? Kelli
You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2
Laura says
Ok, so I signed up for the daily email and accessed the printables page. But it only had the PDFs. Where would I find the word download link?
Kelli says
Hi Laura, When you click on the printable cleaning schedule image it should have both the pdf and word version. If it doesn’t let me know. Thanks! 🙂 Kelli
Laura says
I’m unsure which page I’m supposed to be clicking on the image to find these options… If I click on the image at the top of this page, it just opens the low res jpg of the photo I click on. If I click on the cleaning schedule on the page with all of your printables, it just automaticly opens the PDF. :/
Is there another place I should be looking?
Kelli says
Hi Laura, I emailed the free printable to you. 🙂 Kelli
Lori says
Hi, I tried signing up several times but never received the confirmation email. I am trying to download the cleaning schedule.
Kelli says
Hi Lori, Did you activate your email subscription? 🙂 Kelli
Sally says
Hi, I have tried to sign up this evening in order to access some of your printables however nothing happens when I click subscribe.
Kelli says
Hi Sally, So you were not able to sign up for the email newsletter here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2 ? Kelli
Melissa says
Hi Kelli,
I too am having trouble signing up for your Newsletter. I fill my information out and click to subscribe and nothing happens. Is there any way you can email me the editable printable? Thank you
Kelli says
Hi Melissa, After you sign up you will receive an email asking you to activate your subscription. After you have activated your subscription you will receive a code to get access to all our free printables. Hope that helps. 🙂 Kelli
Melissa says
Kelli, nothing happens when i click on subscribe for the newsletter, it is not allowing me to sign up. I have tried using Chrome as well as Safari (via iPhone).
Kelli says
Hi Melissa, I’m sorry about that. Thanks for telling me, I’ll look into it. I emailed you the free printable. 🙂 Kelli
Sabrina says
hello. Sorry to be such a pain but I am also having trouble downloading either version. Can you please send me the free printables? Thank you so much. sab.lacy4@yahoo.com
Kelli says
Hi Sabrina, I emailed you the free printable. 🙂 Kelli
Jamie says
Hi I am having the same issues. Sure would love to have this reference to get working 🙂 Could you email it to me too. Toodles!
Kelli says
Hi Jamie, I emailed you the free printable. 🙂 Kelli
Shana Borst says
Hi Kelly,
I am also having a problem getting the customizable version.
Kelli says
Hi Shana, I just checked and it is available. You should now be able to sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. You will find all the printables there. ? Kelli
You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2
amy howard says
The link is still not working. when I click on it it just sends me to the subscribe now page. Im not sure how many times you want to send me stuff but I think twice is enough 🙂
Kelli says
Hi Amy, The link is working. You will need to sign up for the daily email to receive the free printables. Hope that helps. 🙂 Kelli
Starlett flippen says
I can’t seem to get the link to work either 🙁
Kelli says
Hi Starlett, You can sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. You will find all the printables there. ? Kelli
You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2
Tricia says
Please email the printable to me also. I have signed up to newsletter already, but when I click the link for the printable cleaning schedule, it just sends me right back to signup.
Kelli says
Hi Tricia, After you activated your subscription you would have received an email with a code that you enter here https://www.freebiefindingmom.com/printables/ to access all free printables. Hope that helps. ? Kelli
Kelly says
Trying to sign up for newsletter & printables however have tried several times but it keeos saying invalid email.
Kelli says
Hi Kelly, Did you activate your subscription via the email you received? After you activate your subscription you will get a code to insert here https://www.freebiefindingmom.com/printables/ that will you let download all the printables. 🙂 Kelli
Erika says
Hi! I’ve been trying to download the daily cleaning schedule and it just won’t let me download and print. Can you email to me? Pleeeeeeease? eowings@gmail.com
Kelli says
Hi Erika, You can sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. You will find all the printables there. ? Kelli
You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2
Jennifer Banks says
I can’t even find the link for this printable. I am already receiving your newsletter (which is how I ended up here) How do I download it?
Kelli says
Hi Jennifer, After you signed up for the email newsletter you get a code to insert here: https://www.freebiefindingmom.com/printables/ Then you can download all the free printables. Hope that helps! 🙂 Kelli
Kyrsten says
Hello can you please email me the customizable cleaning schedule thank you
Kelli says
Hi Kyrsten, You can sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. You will find all the printables there. Hope that helps! Kelli
You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2
Danielle says
I would love to have the customized list as well. My email is danielle@gigisemporium.com
corinne says
I signed up for the email list but cannot open the cleaning printable. Would it be possible for you to please email it to me thank you!
Kelli says
Hi Corinne, Did you receive the free printable and can’t open it? Did you get the access code to download it? Kelli
Kelli says
Hi Danielle, You can sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. You will find all the printables there. Hope that helps! Kelli
You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2
Emily says
Hey, I’ve signed up for the email updates, received the code for the printables, used your posted available link to https://www.freebiefindingmom.com/printables/, but was continuous referred back to signing up, even after using the “Access Printable” button. can I please get the cleaning schedule emailed to me?
Kelli says
Hi Emily, I just checked and it’s working properly. It sounds like you are doing it correctly. You enter the code you were emailed in the access code space at the top of this page https://www.freebiefindingmom.com/printables/. After you submit the code you will be able to click on any printable and download it. Hope that helps. 🙂 Kelli
Donna says
I can’t download the free printable cleaning schedule. Will you please email it to me?
Kelli says
Hi Donna, You can sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. You will find all the printables there. Hope that helps! Kelli
You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2
Amanda says
I can’t seem to find the link to download the free printable cleaning schedule. Is there anyway I could get one?
Thanks so much!!
Kelli says
Hi Amanda, You can sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. You will find all the printables there. Hope that helps! Kelli
You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2
Tami says
Hi, I can’t find a way to download the free printable. This is the best one I have seen. I would love it both as it is and editable. Thanks!
Edith says
Can U please email this weekly cleaning schedule to me as well? I tried to download it to print it out but it’s a zip file.
Thank U!
Kelli says
Hi Tami, You can sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. You will find all the printables there. Hope that helps! Kelli
You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2
Hope Thompson says
It won’t let me download the cleaning schedule please email it to me.. thank you
Kelli says
Hi Hope, You can sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. You will find all the printables there. Hope that helps! Kelli
You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2
Rachel says
Just wanted to say thanks! I’m seriously unorganized and the printouts are just what I needed.the daily list really surprised me! It had more on than usual lists, I appreciated that as I need to diet, and it have the water drinker list too! Fabulous and free! Thanks from the bottom of this mom’s heart!
Kelli says
You are very welcome, Rachel! I am glad they are helpful! 🙂 Kelli
Dez says
I signed up for the daily emails and printables. I keep trying to print the weekly cleaning schedule but it just keeps sending me back to the sign up page. I don’t see anywhere to log in. Could I have it email to me? faulknerfamily11@gmail.com
Kelli says
Hi Dez, You just need to enter the code you were emailed into the top of the free printables page. Hope that helps. 🙂 Kelli
Samantha Lea says
Hi there, please could you email me the cleaning list? I can seem to get it.
Many thanks! Kind Regards, Sam x
Kelli says
Hi Samantha, You can sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. After activating your subscription you will get a code to enter on this page where you can access all the free printables. Hope that helps! Kelli
You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2
Cheryl Brady says
could you please send the customizable version to me at Cheryl_brady1@ msn.com
Rachel says
Can you send me the version that you can customize? Thank you!
Kelli says
Hi Cheryl, You can sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. After activating your subscription you will get a code to enter on this page where you can access all the free printables. Hope that helps! Kelli
You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2
Kelli says
Hi Rachel, You can sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. After activating your subscription you will get a code to enter on this page where you can access all the free printables. Hope that helps! Kelli
You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2
helena says
i tried to sign up to download the free cleaning printable but am not receiving the email to verify 🙁
Linda Shy says
Please e-mail me a copy of the customizable version. Thank you
Kelli says
Hi Linda, You can sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. After activating your subscription you will get a code to enter on this page where you can access all the free printables. Hope that helps! Kelli
You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2
Kelli says
Hi Helena, Please check your spam folder. 🙂 Kelli
Kendra says
I can’t get the link to work either. Can you email me it
Kelli says
Hi Kendra, You can sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. After activating your subscription you will get a code to enter on this page where you can access all the free printables. Hope that helps! Kelli
You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2
tabitha says
i cant find a link, and i have been searching for over an hour!
Kelli says
Hi Tabitha, You can sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. After activating your subscription you will get a code to enter on this page where you can access all the free printables. Hope that helps! Kelli
You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2
Christina says
Please e-mail me a copy of the customizable version. Thank you
Lorraine says
I signed up and still can’t click the link.
Kelli says
Hi Christina, , You can sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. After activating your subscription you will get a code to enter on this page where you can access all the free printables. Hope that helps! Kelli
You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2
Kelli says
Hi Lorranie, Did you enter the code you received via email here: https://www.freebiefindingmom.com/printables/
April says
I’m not able to open the link. I subscribed and activated my account. I’m still not able to open it. Do you mind sending it via email. Rilyajesse@yahoo.com
Ashley Richard says
I can’t get it to work either. Please send chart to arichard6813@gmail.com
Kelli says
Hi Ashley, You can sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. After activating your subscription you will get a code to enter on this page where you can access all the free printables. Hope that helps! Kelli
You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2
Kelli says
Hi April, Did you enter the code you received via email here: https://www.freebiefindingmom.com/printables/?
Jen says
Hi, the link for the customizable checklist will not work for me, even after signing up for the newsletter. Could you email a copy of it to me?
Jennifer says
I have signed up twice and I am not getting an email.
Kelli says
Hi Jen, Did you enter the code you received via email here: https://www.freebiefindingmom.com/printables/?
Kelli says
Hi Jennifer, Please check your spam. Once you get the code please enter it here: https://www.freebiefindingmom.com/printables/
Linda says
Signed up for the Printable Cleaning Schedule (I really like yours) about 10 minutes ago and so far, nothing has come across my inbox. Will continue to check and will check my spam as well.
Kelli says
Hi Linda, You will be emailed a code to insert here: https://www.freebiefindingmom.com/printables/ so you can access all the prinables. 🙂 Kelli
mandi says
Hello – I signed up for your email newsletter, and I received a verification email, which led me to the activation code. When I try to access the cleaning schedule, it loops me back to the email sign up :(. Can you help? Thanks!
mandi says
Well, it worked with MS Edge! I was using Chrome, so it appears the links won’t work in Chrome, but other browers are fine. Thanks!
Kelli says
Hi Mandi, You need to insert the code at the top of this page: https://www.freebiefindingmom.com/printables/ then you can download all the printables. 🙂 Kelli
Kelli says
Ok. Glad it worked for you, Mandi. 🙂 Kelli
Amber says
I’m all signed up, can you email me a copy of the cleaning schedule? I couldn’t find a link to download. Thank you!!
Kelli says
Hi Amber, After you sign up you will be emailed a code to then you need to insert the code you were emailed at the top of this page: https://www.freebiefindingmom.com/printables/. Hope that helps. ? Kelli
Teresa Hoke says
Can you please e-mail as well.
Kelli says
Hi Teresa, You can sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. After activating your subscription you will get a code to enter on this page where you can access all the free printables. Hope that helps! Kelli
You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2
Bernadette says
I signed up for the but never got an email and wanted to get your awesome cleaning schedule.
Kelli says
Hi Bernadette, Please check your spam folder. It may have gone there. Best, Kelli 🙂
Marissa says
So i signed up for the e-mails a week or so ago.. and i am still unable to figure out how to download certain printables from this blog. Can you please send me the customizable version please?
Marissa says
i just realized as i posted my last comment that my email in the thread was missing a S in my name.. oops the email on this reply is correct. Thank you
Kelli says
Hi Marissa, You should have been emailed a code that you insert at the top of this page: https://www.freebiefindingmom.com/printables/ Hope that helps. 🙂 Kelli
Kelli says
Oh good. 🙂 Kelli
La'Tisa says
I am already signed up for the newsletters, thus how I found this printable. But this is one link that I just cannot get to work. 🙁
Kelli says
Hi La’Tisa, Did you enter the password you were emailed to the top of this page? https://www.freebiefindingmom.com/printables/
Michelle says
I am and have been signed up for your awesome emails and I can’t get the free printables. Please if you would please send me link to your library when it is working….luvs!
Kat Loftus-Marek says
I forgot my code, can you help?
Michelle says
I’m not able to get it to download either could you send me a copy too please.
Kelli says
Hi Michelle, You need to sign up for the email newsletter to download the free printable. You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2. After activating your subscription you will get a code to enter on this page where you can access all the free printables. Hope that helps! Kelli
Kelli says
Hi Michelle, Did you enter the password you were emailed to the top of this page? https://www.freebiefindingmom.com/printables/
Kelli says
Hi Kat, I emailed you the free printable. 🙂 Kelli
Carrie Peterson says
I too would like a copy emailed to me. I am also already a subscriber but not having any luck getting it to download.
Carrie Peterson says
I too would like a copy emailed to me. I am also already a subscriber but not having any luck getting it to download. I’m also getting this response when I add a comment…
Kelli says
Hi Carrie, Did you enter the password you were emailed to the top of this page? https://www.freebiefindingmom.com/printables/
La'Tisa says
What I meant is that I’ve been getting the emails for a few months so I know that’s not the issue. I don’t even have a visible link to download either version. It only gives me the option to pin in Pinterest. Could you email the editable one to me by chance?
Kelli says
Hi La’Tisa, I emailed you the free printable. Best, Kelli
Lyndsey says
I cannot access the editable version! Can you email me a copy?
Kelli says
Hi Lyndsey, You need to sign up for the email newsletter to download the free printable. You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2. After activating your subscription you will get a code to enter on this page where you can access all the free printables. Hope that helps! Kelli
Tammi says
I can’t get the printable cleaning schedule to download. Can you send it to my email. teach1st9@aol.com
Kelli says
Hi Tammi, You need to sign up for the email newsletter to download the free printable. You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2. After activating your subscription you will get a code to enter on this page where you can access all the free printables. Hope that helps! Kelli
Jessica says
I cannot find the link to download. Where is it located?
Kelli says
Hi Jessica, You need to sign up for the email newsletter to download the free printable. You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2. After activating your subscription you will get a code to enter on this page where you can access all the free printables. Hope that helps! Kelli
Tahara says
Hello! I signed up and received a code but it’s still giving me an error. Are you able to email me the cleaning printable?
Kelli says
Hi Tahara, You need to sign up for the email newsletter to download the free printable. You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2. After activating your subscription you will get a code to enter on this page where you can access all the free printables. Hope that helps! Kelli
Melissa McKim says
Great printables, easy to access, thank you!
Kelli says
Thanks, Melissa! 🙂 Kelli
Brittany Buchheit says
Is there any way of getting the free cleaning schedule? Is there a customizable version? I have signed up, gotten my code, and every time I try to access the schedule, it tells me to sign up again. I appreciate the help!
Kelli says
Hi Brittany, Yes there is a customizable version. Did you paste the code you were emailed to the top of this page https://www.freebiefindingmom.com/printables/ and click “Access Printables”? Kelli
Adrienne says
There is no link in your blog post, or I cannot seem to find it. Please send it to me via email, asteningsmith@gmail.com. Thank you.
Kelli says
Hi Adrienne, You need to sign up for the email newsletter to download the free printable. You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2. After activating your subscription you will get a code to enter on this page where you can access all the free printables. Hope that helps! Kelli
Krista Fournier says
Hi! Thank you so much for this cleaning list idea! I’m a new stay-at-home mom and I’ve found this to be very helpful with keeping my life organized.
Kelli says
Happy to hear it, Krista! 🙂 Kelli
Danielle says
I can’t even find the link. I already signed up for the newsletter can you email me the customizable word document please.
Kelli says
Hi Danielle, After activating your subscription you will get a code to enter at the top this page https://www.freebiefindingmom.com/printables/ where you can access all the free printables. Hope that helps! Kelli
Abby Aaron says
I signed up for you email list. When I clicked on the daily cleaning list link it came over with a bunch of code words not the list. Could you email to me?
Ericka says
Hi! Could you email me the free weekly cleaning chart? Thanks!
Kelli says
Hi Abby, Did you insert the code on the top of this page? https://www.freebiefindingmom.com/printables/
Kelli says
Hi Ericka, You’ll just need to sign up for the email newsletter to download the free printable. You can sign up here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5fb3ed49f134ba685d2f75d2. After activating your subscription you will get a code to enter on this page where you can access all the free printables. Hope that helps! Kelli
Tasneem Kellerman says
I am subscribed and got the confirmation email
I visited the link and entered the password provided but it doesn’t seem to be working
Please could you email me the weekly cleaning schedule and menu planner
Dawn says
I can’t find any link to get the free chart.
Kelli says
Hi Tasneem, You may want to make sure you don’t have an extra space before you enter the code. Hope that helps! 🙂 Kelli
Kelli says
Hi Dawn, You need to sign up for the newsletter, so you are emailed a code which you insert at the top of this page https://www.freebiefindingmom.com/printables/. Then you can download all the printables for free. 🙂 Kelli
Amanda says
Hi there! I signed up for the emails, got the code, & tried the link to the printable schedule … it’s just showing up as code/ not working :/
Kelli says
Hi Amanda, I just checked and it’s working. Please make sure you don’t have a space before the code. Hope that helps! 🙂 Kelli
Karina says
I have subscribed and when I go to the free printables page, it keeps asking me to subscribe again. Would really like the weekly cleaning list sent to me!
Kelli says
Hi Karina, You’ll just need to enter the code you were emailed top of this page https://www.freebiefindingmom.com/printables/. Then you can download all the printables for free. ?
Jessica says
I subscribed but haven’t received an email. Seems to be a common problem
Kelli says
Hi Jessica, You were emailed a code which you insert at the top of this page https://www.freebiefindingmom.com/printables/. Then you can download all the printables for free. ? Kelli
Rachel Pounders says
Hello can you please send me an editable word doc. cleaning schedule via email- rachelpounders@outlook.com. I too already signed up to get your emails and am having difficulty downloading the doc.
Thanks, Rachel
Teala says
I finally got the page that asks for the password for the printable version of the weekly chore chart. It’s very well thought out. I really like it. However, when I try to open it, it automatically tries to download as a zip file and I can’t open it. Is there a way to email it to me please?
Kelli says
Hi Teala, Sorry the file is so large it has to be a zip file. My apologies. 🙂 Kelli
Kelli says
Hi Rachel, Did you submit your email address and receive the code which you need to enter at the top of this page? https://www.freebiefindingmom.com/printables/ Hope that helps! ? Kelli