Is your kid starting to learn decimals in math class? If so, these free decimal number lines are sure to come in handy! Choose from eight positive and negative number line with decimals printables below.
Once your kid hits third or fourth grade, he or she will probably begin to work with fractions and decimals on a number line. Don’t panic! Fractions and decimals on a number line may look intimidating but they really aren’t that much more complicated than whole numbers. In this post, we’re going to deal specifically with decimals, and you’ll find eight free decimal number line, hundredths and tenths, positive and negative, printables below.
Not familiar with placing decimals on a number line (or placing any numbers on a number line)? No problem! Here’s a quick review of the basics.
A number line is a straight horizontal line with numbers placed at equal intervals along its length. (To better visualize this, picture a ruler.) Smaller numbers go to the left, and larger numbers go to the right. Your child can use whole numbers, fractions, or decimals on a number line worksheets to solve math problems!
Wondering why teaching decimals on a number line (or using number lines at all) is even a thing? I know, I know, this isn’t how things were done back in our day, but there are benefits to this newfangled method. For example, according to McGraw Hill Education, “Recent research suggests the importance of the number line as a tool for helping children develop greater flexibility in mental arithmetic as they actively construct mathematical meaning, number sense, and understandings of number relationships.”
So now that we’ve had a refresher on what number lines are and why they matter, let’s get into these decimal number line printables!
Decimal Number Line 4th Grade Printable: 0 to 1
Your kid will probably first get introduced to decimals on a number line in 4th grade or 3rd grade. The number line below is one of the most basic options, which shows 0 to 1 by tenths. This is a great starter decimals on a number line worksheet!
Bonus: Is this decimals on a number line 4th grade or 3rd grade worksheet a bit too advanced for your kid? If your child is still working strictly with whole numbers, try these number lines:
- 2 Free Printable Number Line to 20 PDF Downloads + Worksheet
- Number Line to 100
5th Grade Decimal Number Line: 0 to 2
This is definitely more of a 4th or even 5th grade decimal number line. It goes from 0 to 2, but is a bit more difficult than the first number line because it doesn’t show each tenth. Instead, this decimal number line moves by 0.2 each time.
Bonus: Need more practice placing decimals on a number line? Try this Blank Number Line.
Decimal Number Line Hundredths: 0 to 1
Teaching decimals on a number line with this printable will allow you to help your kid understand the difference between decimal places. (For example, tenths versus hundredths.) This is a decimal number line hundredths printable, meaning instead of going from 0 to 1 by tenths it goes by hundredths.
Tip: To really drive home the difference in decimal places, compare this printable to the first decimal number line, which goes from 0 to 1 by tenths.
Decimals on a Number Line Worksheet: 0 to 0.1
This 5th grade decimal number line will help your kid see how small numbers can keep getting smaller. In this particular printable, we’re only going from 0 to 0.1.
Tip: To help reinforce placing decimals on a number line, consider printing multiple copies of this worksheet and blacking out certain numbers. Then have your kid try to fill in the missing numbers. This is a great way to practice without introducing actual math problems!
Decimal Number Line: 0 to 0.2
On this 5th grade decimal number line your kid will go from 0 all the way to 0.2, moving by 0.02 each time. Teaching decimals on a number line with this printable will start to get your child used to moving between tenths and hundredths.
Bonus: Looking for more number lines? Check out 9 Free Printable Number Lines For Kids, which has whole numbers, fractions, and decimals on a number line worksheets!
4th and 5th Grade Decimal Number Line: 0 to 10
This is the biggest of the decimals on a number line worksheets. It goes all the way from 0 to 10 by tenths. This printable is a real test of your child’s ability to count by decimals and can help with bigger math problems.
Bonus: Is your kid not ready for any number line just yet? No worries! He or she will get there soon enough. Here are some easier number options to help teach the basics of the 123s:
- Number Worksheets for Kindergarten
- Preschool Number Worksheets
- Number Flashcards
Negative Number Line with Decimals: -1 to 0
Ready for even more of a challenge? We’re moving on to a negative number line with decimals. This worksheet goes from -1 to 0 by tenths. It may be less confusing for your kid to start with this decimal number line, rather than the next negative number line with decimals, because this printable has only negative numbers, except for 0.
Bonus: If this is your kid’s first introduction to negative numbers, the decimals may make it super confusing. Consider starting with these whole number lines first:
- Negative and Positive Number Line
- Negative Number Line
Positive and Negative Number Line with Decimals: -1 to 1
This positive and negative number line with decimals spans, you guessed it, positive and negative decimals. It moves by 0.2 each time.
Bonus: Here are even more number lines to help your kid master the more complex varieties of the 123s.
- Fraction Number Line
- Integer Number Line
- Inequalities on a Number Line
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