Looking for Easter basket ideas for toddlers that won’t blow your budget? Here are 55 fun and frugal Easter gift ideas they’ll love!
Growing up, my Easter morning always came with a basket filled with sweets like peeps and chocolate eggs. As a child with a burgeoning sweet tooth, I certainly appreciated it. As a parent, not so much. Here’s the thing, my son is already a whirlwind of energy. He doesn’t need his own personal sugar cache. A few pieces of candy are no problem. Everyone should get to indulge now and again but a whole basket? I think not. Instead I try to find frugal Easter basket ideas for toddlers that I can use in place of sweets.
In my opinion, Easter shouldn’t be a second Christmas. In other words, I’m not out there spending a small fortune on Easter gift ideas. Instead I look for inexpensive Easter basket ideas with a focus on those that are educational or practical.
Of course, Easter isn’t just about gifts. It’s also an awesome opportunity to spend some quality time with your family. Here are some ideas to inspire you:
Now, on to some of my favorite frugal Easter basket ideas for toddlers.
55 Easter Basket Ideas for Toddlers
1. Pacifiers: If you’re looking for something inexpensive and practical, this Easter basket idea for toddlers fits the bill. Pacifiers can be found for as little as $2-$3, and they come in variety of colors and themes so you’re certain to be able to find something fun.
2. Board Books: Unlike regular paperback books, board books are more durable. They’re made to stand up to sticky, rough toddler hands. Go for this Easter gift idea if you want something educational. Board books can help your little one learn colors, numbers, shapes, and how to read.
3. Cute Stocks: Okay, this might not be the best Easter basket idea for boys as I’ve never seen anyone of the male gender get excited about socks but it’s still an option. To make the gift a bit more appealing opt for a fun color or theme.
4. Bath Toys: If bath time is routinely a battle, consider this Easter basket idea for toddlers. Bath toys can make time in the tub a little more appealing.
5. Rattles: If you have a really little one, a rattle can be a fun and frugal option. Again, this is a gift that comes in a lot of different styles, so even if your baby already has a rattle or two, you can probably find something new and interesting.
6. Bibs: Hmmm, this is one of those Easter basket ideas for toddlers that’s more for mom and dad than the kids. Keep your little one’s clothes clean, at least through meal time, with the help of some stylish bibs.
7. Teething Toys: I consider at least one of these easter basket ideas for kids a must-have if you’ve got a kiddo who is teething. Trust me, you and your child will appreciate it! You can find teething toys for as little as $3 so even if you’re on a tight budget this gift should work.
8. Sippy Cups: Make your little one feel like a big boy or big girl with this Easter gift idea. Warning: You might want to get 2 cups, potentially identical styles, so you’ll be able to get one away from your child when it needs washing.
9. Burp Cloths: Another parent oriented gift that your little one will benefit from. Tip: Look for cute burp clothes that match the nursery, outfits, etc.
10. Spoon, Fork and Plate Sets: Have a picky little eater on your hands? Welcome to the club. 🙂 Add this Easter basket idea to your shopping list because giving him or her a special plate set can actually encourage him or her to eat. For more tips for living with a picky eater, read Parenting Tips: How to Get Kids to Eat Vegetables and Fruits. Good luck!
11. Bath Crayons: Encourage creative expression (and willingly getting in the bath tub) with this Easter basket idea for toddlers.
12. Comb and Brush Sets: Is your child mortal enemies with the hair brush? Consider getting the two on better terms with this Easter gift idea. Brushes and combs made specifically for kids can help out with tangles and make the experience more pleasant.
13. Character Band-Aids: Boo-boos will instantly feel better when you apply a character Band-Aid like these My Little Pony Bandages and Nickelodeon Paw Patrol Band-Aid Adhesive Bandages. If you need Easter basket ideas for toddlers, consider splurging on these more expensive Band-Aids.
14. Hair Barrettes and Bows: Help your little princess look stylish with some fun new accessories. There are tons of fun and frugal hair accessory options out there (just check out Amazon) so you shouldn’t have any problem finding something that fits your budget. Another option? Make your own with the help of this DIY felt flower hair clip article.
15. Stuffed Animals: Whether you need Easter basket ideas for boys or girls, a stuffed animal, like My Little Pony – Rainbow Dash 8″, is a great option. Regardless of what your little one’s favorite animal is, I guarantee you can find a stuffed version. Isn’t the Internet fantastic?
16. Small Toys: Keep this Easter basket idea for toddlers educational by looking for toys that help improve fine motor skills, require the use of imagination, or teach critical thinking skills.
17. Bubbles and Bubble Wands: Bubbles and related accessories, like this Gazillion Bubble Hurricane Machine, can be a fun and inexpensive Easter gift idea. I’m a fan since it encourages the kiddos to step away from the electronics and head outside.
18. Finger Puppets: While they aren’t super educational, I like Easter basket ideas for toddlers like this that encourage the use of imagination and creativity. Tip: Once you give your little one this gift, spend some time together coming up with a fun skit or play.
19. Puzzles: If you anticipate Easter being chilly, consider this Easter basket idea for kids. Puzzles can be a fun indoor activity that doesn’t make a huge mess. However, when considering this option, be sure to take into account your little one’s age. You can’t expect a 5 year old to sit quietly for hours tackling a 1,000 piece puzzle.
20. Coloring Books: In my part of the country, Easter is unpredictable. It could by sunny or it could be snowing. That’s why, when looking for Easter basket ideas for toddlers, I always opt for at least one gift that’s indoor friendly. Like coloring books.
By the way, coloring isn’t just for kids. As an adult, coloring can help you de-stress; it’s also an excellent way to spend time with your kiddo. Get started by checking out these free printable adult coloring sheets.
21. Crayons and Markers: One word: Washable. Seriously, ensure any markers you get are washable. Pair this frugal Easter gift idea with a coloring book. Tip: If your budget is being stretched, head to Pinterest (or Google) to look for free printable coloring sheets.
22. Toothbrush and Toothpaste: Encourage good hygiene early on by getting your child a special kids’ toothbrush and toothpaste. They make all kinds of options that are sure to impress kids including toothbrushes that play music (you’re supposed to keep brushing until the music stops), themed toothbrushes, and fun flavored toothpastes.
23. Toothbrush Sanitizer: Okay, this is another one of those Easter basket ideas for toddlers that’s really more of a “mom gift.” While your child probably won’t be excited to see this item in his or her Easter basket, he or she will appreciate not getting sick from a germ-y toothbrush.
24. Match Card Games: Have fun as a family with this Easter gift idea. Tip: If matching games seem a bit too pricy, consider making your own. You can do so using index cards (write or draw on them) or two decks of playing cards.
25. Flash Cards: Make this seem more like a game than learning by awarding “points” for correct answers. Even if there’s no prize involved, your little one will feel excited to be racking up points. Looking for more educational toys? Here are 101 educational toddler toys to choose from.
26. Gerber Graduates: There’s no reason edible items can’t be great Easter basket ideas for toddlers. Just look for healthy options like this. Here are more store-bought healthy snack ideas for kids.
27. Cereal Cups: Here’s another fun snack option to include in your little one’s Easter basket. Tip: Look for variety packs (versus just buying a bunch of one kind of cereal) to give your kiddo options.
28. Washcloths: This Easter gift idea is a bit sneaky. The premise is similar to getting your child his or her own special plate set to encourage eating. Basically, you’re gifting your kiddo some cute washcloths that are just for them to encourage him or her to willingly take a bath.
29. Fruit Snacks: When opting for this Easter basket idea for kids, be sure to look at the sugar content. There are some low sugar relatively healthy fruit snacks out there but some of them aren’t so great. If you’d prefer to make your own healthy fruit snacks for kids, be sure to check out this recipe for homemade vitamin gummies.
30. Balls: Encourage your kiddos to grab some fresh air (and potentially make some new friends) by putting some fun balls in their Easter basket this year.
31. Goldfish Crackers: Who doesn’t love this baked snack? Even I sometimes find myself munching on one or two of my son’s Goldfish. This tasty Easter basket idea for toddlers can also be used in a kid-friendly recipe for Goldfish encrusted chicken nuggets. Trust me, your kiddos will love ’em! 🙂
32. Crayola My First Crayola Dry Erase Activity Mat: Aaaahhhh – that my friends, is the sound of angels singing. If you have a little artist on your hands, this Easter gift idea is perfect for them and you! The finger paint will only show up on the special paper included with this activity kit so you don’t have to worry about a big mess to clean up after Picasso Jr. finishes his or her masterpiece.
33. Fisher-Price Slim Doodle Pro: This Easter basket idea for toddlers is another way to encourage his or her artistic abilities without having to worry about paint ending up on the carpet or crayon ending up on the walls. This is also a great on-the-go toy that your kiddo can enjoy in the car.
34. Sticker Books for Toddlers: Whether you need Easter basket ideas for boys or girls, sticker books can be a frugal and educational option. Many of them have a theme that teaches your child something (ex. different animal names). My favorites include Sticker Activity ABC and reuseable sticker books like this Melissa & Doug Reusable Sticker Pads Set.
35. My Pillow Pets: These stuffed animals serve double duty, acting as both a pillow and a cuddly companion for your little one.
36. Placemats: This Easter basket idea for toddlers keeps his or her place tidy… er, well, it at least keeps the food off of the table or highchair. There are lots of options out there including colorable placemats so be sure to do a little browsing before you buy.
37. Swedish Fish Red Bag, 3.5-Pounds: I will usually include one or two small sweet treats in my little one’s Easter basket. Just no giant chocolate bunnies or huge marshmallow filled eggs! Swedish fish can be a good option if your kid is a fan of gummies.
38. Medley Hills Farm Cereal Marshmallows 1 lb: Does your kid go through the cereal and pick out all the marshmallows? If so, surprise him or her with this Easter gift idea… a bag of the Lucky Charms cereal marshmallows. These are high in sugar so be sure to ration them out!
39. Crayola 12 Ct Twistables Colored Pencils: This Easter basket idea for kids is fun and practical. It’s colored pencils that never have to be sharpened. Pair with some free printable coloring sheets or a coloring book.
40. Remote Control Toys for Toddlers: Depending on your kiddo’s age, this may not be one of the best Easter basket ideas for toddlers. However, slightly older kids will have a blast with a remote control toy, especially if it is themed after one of their favorite characters like this Fisher-Price Thomas & Friends R/C Thomas.
41. Blankie Tails Shark Blanket: Stay cozy with this fun shark blanket. Perhaps pair this Easter gift idea with some coconut oil popcorn and a Finding Nemo / Finding Dory marathon?
42. Gardening Tools for Toddlers: Want to save money on your grocery bill? Consider growing some of your own food. You can encourage your little one to lend a hand with this Easter gift idea. Not sure what plants to tackle? Here are some of the best plants for kids.
43. ALEX Toys Little Hands Button Art: This easter basket idea for toddlers will help your little one develop hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, and creative thinking. However, they’ll be having so much fun they won’t even realize they’re learning! 🙂
44. B. Toys B. One Two Squeeze Blocks: These blocks make a great Eater basket idea for boys or girls. They’re soft (so no sharp edges), float (so they can be played with in the bathtub), and educational (they have letters, animals, etc. on them). Plus, with 4.8 out of 5 stars (and 968 reviews) you know you’re getting a good product!
45. Crayola Color Bath Dropz 3.59 Ounce (60 Tablets) and Bubble Bath: Here are a few more options to dress bath time up and make it a bit more fun. Warning: If considering this Easter basket idea for toddlers, read the ingredients on the bubble bath you select. Some contain fragrance or other ingredients that can irritate sensitive skin. The Crayola Color Bath Dropz are fragrance free so no worries there!
46. Stamp Sets for Toddlers: With supervision, stamp sets can be a fun indoor Easter gift idea. This Melissa & Doug Disney Princess Wooden Stamp Set is perfect for the little princess in your life! You can also make your own “set” by buying stamps individually and putting them together.47. LeapFrog for Toddlers: Leapfrog makes all kinds of educational toys that make learning a blast, like this LeapFrog Fridge Phonics Magnetic Letter Set. While not as frugal as some of the Easter basket ideas for toddlers in this article, you can find LeapFrog toys for as low as approximately $15.
48. Little Helper Broom Set: This Easter gift idea may not seem exciting, but it’s an easy way to introduce your child to chores and allow them to “help” you clean the house. Another way to introduce your child to chores and hold him or her accountable is with this free printable chore chart.
49. Portable Play Tent and Sun Shelter for Infants and Toddlers: Working in the garden or heading out for a family picnic? This toddler sized tent is the perfect thing to keep your little one shielded from the sun. It can also be a fun imagination toy for him or her to pretend they are camping.
50. Learning Resources for Toddlers: Sets like this Learning Resources Farmers Market Color Sorting Set can be a great way to boost your child’s vocabulary, sorting skills, and imagination. This Easter basket idea for kids comes in a variety of different themed sets and prices start at about $14.
51. Beach Toys for Toddlers: Whether you’re heading to the beach or have some kind of sandbox at home, beach toys can make fun and frugal Easter basket ideas for toddlers. Some of my favs include this Melissa & Doug Sunny Patch Sand Brick-Building Set With Mold and Trowel and this Melissa & Doug Sunny Patch Seaside Sidekicks Sand Baking Set.
52. Silly Putty, Glow In The Dark: Easter basket ideas for kids don’t have to be complicated. Just take this glow-in-the-dark Silly Putty for example. It’s inexpensive (under $5) and fairly simple yet kids will have a blast playing with it.
53. Games for Toddlers: Games like this Educational Insights The Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel Game make great Easter basket ideas for boys and girls. Not only do games help teach them valuable skills like strategic/critical thinking and teamwork, they also allow the whole family to spend time together.
54. Dress Up Clothes for Toddlers: Help your little one develop his or her imagination with dress up clothes like this Melissa & Doug Fire Chief Role Play Costume Dress-Up Set and Disney Princess Dress Up Trunk.
55. Building Block Sets for Toddlers: Rounding out my fav Easter basket ideas for toddlers is building block sets like this Mega Bloks 80-Piece Big Building Bag. Blocks are simple yet fun and educational. They can help your little one develop his or her fine motor skills and imagination. In addition, many sets have letters, numbers, or colors on them to provide even more learning opportunities.
There you have it, 55 of my favorite Easter basket ideas for toddlers! Want more inspiration? Find more Easter gift ideas here: 101 Easter Basket Ideas for Kids and here: 23 Non-Edible Cheap Easter Gift Ideas.
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