Homemade Acne Face Mask: Oatmeal and Honey Acne Face Mask
Do you suffer from acne? If so, you know that acne imparts a unique blend of embarrassment and frustration on the sufferer. People tend to either pretend they aren’t starring at you and your acne or they offer oh-so helpful suggestions that tend to include you giving up your favorite foods or using expensive hard to find products.
It is enough to make you throw your hands in the air and take up residence below the nearest opera house (that’s a reference to the Phantom of the Opera). Unfortunately, opera houses are in short supply these days so… what’s an acne sufferer to do? I recommend this homemade acne face mask with oatmeal and honey.
This homemade acne face mask truly works. You don’t have to give up your favorite foods (like coffee – *gasp*!), shell out big bucks, or hunt from store to store like you’re searching for the holy grail. Do I have your attention now?
Honey and oatmeal are 2 (of the only 4) ingredients in this homemade acne face mask. Both of these ingredients are superb at providing acne relief and possibly even preventing acne. Take oatmeal (oats) for instance, this ingredient contains anti-inflammatory properties which are great for soothing irritated skin and reducing redness. It can also reduce itchiness to provide real relief for acne riddled skin. Now let’s talk about honey. Honey helps open your pores so that the exfoliating properties of oats can clean them out. In addition, honey possess antibacterial and antioxidant properties.
In addition to honey and oatmeal, this homemade acne face mask contains yogurt which is also awesome for your skin. To learn more about how yogurt can give you flawless skin check out this homemade yogurt face mask article.
So, to reiterate, this homemade acne face mask is cheap, only contains 4 easy to find ingredients, and is full of ingredients that are fantastic for your skin. Could it get any better? You bet! All you have to do to whip this homemade acne face mask up is blend the ingredients together. Seriously, it’ll take you 3 minutes.
Go ahead and try… I’ll time you. 🙂
¼ cup oats
2 tsp. yogurt
2 tsp. honey
2 tsp. olive oil
1. Place all ingredients in a small chopper or food processor and blend until well combined and oatmeal is broken up.
2. Let ingredients set for 8-10 minutes to allow oatmeal to soften.
3. Apply to clean face, scrubbing in a circular motion for 2-3 minutes.
Note: If you have extremely sensitive skin that seems to be irritated by scrubbing (exfoliating), don’t scrub! Just leave the homemade acne face mask on your skin.
4. Wear as a mask for 5 minutes to let your skin absorb the benefits.
5. Pat your face clean with a warm, damp cloth.
6. Apply a light moisturizer if needed, consider using this homemade face moisturizer.
Repeat 2-3 times per week.
Do you know of other ingredients that are great for clearing up and fighting acne like those found in this homemade acne face mask? If so, share them in the comments.
For even more homemade beauty recipes follow Freebie Finding Mom’s DIY Beauty Tips Pinterest board.
Oatmeal and Honey Acne Face Mask
Do you suffer from acne? If so, you know that acne imparts a unique blend of embarrassment and frustration on the sufferer. There’s no need to shell out big bucks on expensive acne fighting creams when you can whip up this homemade acne face mask quickly, easily, and cheaply. That’s right, in only a few minutes you can treat your skin with a powerful acne fighting treatment that didn’t break the bank. This DIY beauty recipe will open, exfoliate, and clean your pores, reduce redness, and soothe irritation.
- ¼ cup oats
- 2 tsp. yogurt
- 2 tsp. honey
- 2 tsp. olive oil
- Place all ingredients in a small chopper or food processor and blend until well combined and oatmeal is broken up.
- Let ingredients set for 8-10 minutes to allow oatmeal to soften.
- Apply to clean face, scrubbing in a circular motion for 2-3 minutes. Note: If you have extremely sensitive skin that seems to be irritated by scrubbing (exfoliating), don’t scrub! Just leave the homemade acne face mask on your skin.
- Wear as a mask for 5 minutes to let your skin absorb the benefits.
- Pat your face clean with a warm, damp cloth.
- Apply a light moisturizer if needed, consider using this homemade face moisturizer.
Repeat 2-3 times per week.
Lydia says
Does it matter what kind of yogurt I use?
Kelli says
Hi Lydia,
It should not matter. Let me know how it turns out for you.
Catherine says
Was that cinnamon that you added? It isn’t listed in the ingredients, is it important?
Jocelyn says
Can I use coconut oil instead of olive oil?
Kelli says
I have not tried this but I would imagine you can.