Developing a growth mindset is a process. If you’re looking for a way to reinforce the concepts at home, school, or anywhere else, look no further than these printable growth mindset quotes for kids. Choose from 5 mindset growth quotes below!
Have you heard the proverb “it takes a village to raise a child?” While that sentiment can be applied to a variety of areas, I think it’s especially true when it comes to developing a growth mindset. If you can find ways to enlist others to instill a growth mindset in your child at home, school, during extracurriculars (like sports), and the world at large, your kid will probably take to this way of thinking a lot quicker.
Keep in mind that anyone can develop a growth mindset, so don’t be afraid to embrace these quotes if you’re an adult. However, the process may be easier for kids because they more readily accept new ways of thinking and new information. After all, they’re pretty much always learning new things. 🙂
The inspirational growth mindset quotes for kids in this post can be used at home, at school (making them growth mindset quotes for students), and anywhere else. Hanging them in high traffic and high visibility areas will have your child (and you!) thinking about the concepts behind developing a growth mindset on the regular. These mindset growth quotes will remind your child how to think about things like challenges and failures; let’s take a closer look!
Positive Growth Mindset Quotes for Kids
One of key concepts behind having a growth mindset is not viewing failure as well, failure but rather as an opportunity. Standard University psychologist Dr. Carol Dweck writes, “a growth mindset embraces challenges and views failure not as evidence of unintelligence but as a heartening springboard for growth and for stretching our existing abilities.” I think the growth mindset quote for students and kids above sums that up pretty well, don’t you? 🙂
I love this as an inspirational growth mindset quote for students. I think it works especially well in the classroom setting because being surrounded by peers who may appear to be smarter or better is when your child may be most afraid to try. Hopefully being faced with this quote on a daily basis will encourage your child (and others!) to push themselves and rise to new challenges, even if they should not succeed on the first go-round.
This is a simple yet powerful growth mindset quote for kids and adults. Seriously, as an adult, don’t you need to be reminded to believe in yourself every now and again? This is a growth mindset quote because when you have a growth mindset, you believe that through your own efforts you can improve your abilities and skills.
Similar to the previous positive growth mindset quote, this quote asks your child to have faith in his or her abilities. If your child is struggling to embrace a growth mindset, he or she may need a self-esteem boost. Try these free printable self-esteem worksheets. (Psst! They aren’t just for kids! 😉 )
This powerful growth mindset quote for kids (and adults) implores you not to give up! Part of having a growth mindset is embracing challenges and moving out of your comfort zone. This quote will remind your kid (and you) not to stop when the going gets tough.
Beyond Mindset Growth Quotes
The growth mindset quotes for kids (or adults) in this post are a great way to reinforce the concepts behind a growth mindset on a daily basis. (In fact, you can reinforce them multiple times a day if you hang these printables in high traffic areas!) However, if you want to do some deeper work toward developing a growth mindset, try these hands-on activities:
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