FREE Printable To Do Lists – Daily and Weekly
Whether you opt for an electronic tool or a free printable, to do lists have a lot of advantages. For instance, free printable weekly to do lists reduce anxiety by creating a blueprint of what you have to get done during the week and allowing you to see it all laid out. Printable daily to do lists do the same on a daily basis. To learn more about the power of to do lists, check out this article List Making Will Save Your Brain.
Personally, I prefer free printable to do lists over electronic list makers and calendar apps. Here’s why:
– Free printable weekly and daily to do lists allow me to focus on what I have to get done. When I try to use electronic options I seem to always get distracted by other things like emails.
– They allow me see to everything I need to do, prioritize tasks, and group like things. On electronic tools like calendars, I can’t always see everything at once side-by-side.
– They allow me to easily make updates or track progress at any time. With electronic options, it can be difficult to quickly make updates and what if I don’t have my phone or aren’t at my computer?
– They allow me to achieve a sense of accomplishment. Studies have actually shown that crossing something off and visually seeing it is completed is more satisfying than merely deleting it from your screen.
If, like me, you prefer free printable daily and weekly to do lists over electronic tools or just want to give free printable to do lists a try, here are two free printable to do lists to get you started.
Download your Free Printable Daily To Do List and Free Printable Weekly To Do List now!
Use these two free printable to do lists together. Print out 7 of the daily to do lists and one of the weekly to do lists for each week. Fill out the daily to do lists as much as possible. Give yourself plenty of time and if possible, quiet to do this as you don’t want to forget anything. Then put the “highlights” (big, important things) on the weekly to do lists, so you can get a sense of your schedule for the whole week at a glance. Then be sure to keep these free printable to do lists handy!
Have other ideas on how to effectively use these free printable to do lists? Please share in the comments!
Asma hasan says
Nice ?
Brandie Bertram says
do you have a link to where we can get all of the free printable s? Some of these links are not working…if you could email it to it would be great. thanks.
Kelli says
Hi Brandie, I emailed you the free printable. 🙂 Kelli
Valerie says
Hi Kelli, I can’t find the link as well, please email it to I’d really appreciate it. Thanks
Kelli says
Hi Valerie, I emailed you the free printable. 🙂 Kelli
Linda in NC says
Can I get on of these free printables too?
Thank you! 🙂
Kris says
Hi Kelli! I can’t find the link as well for the free printable, would you please email them to me?
Thanks!!! 🙂
Karen M. Roth says
Why are the links not working? You have some of the greatest Printables here, but none of the links I have clicked on work. I love all the brightly colored ones. Could you please fix them or package the Pdf’s in a Zip Package so we can get them all at once if we want them all? You can get the 7 Zip application, it is free and works great :). I hope this helps your blog out some.
Kelli says
Hi Kris, I emailed you the free printables. 🙂 Kelli
Kelli says
Hi Linda, I emailed you the free printables. 🙂 Kelli
Kelli says
Hi Karen, I emailed you the free printables. 🙂 Kelli
kyley pence says
cant get the to do lists to download, can you email them please
Kelli says
Hi Kyley, I emailed you the free printables. 🙂 Kelli
Sabrina says
Hi Kelli, love the printables but cannot seem to get any of the links to work.
Marla Murasko says
Would love to get a free copy of the daily to do printable
Kelli says
Hi Marla, I emailed you the free printables. 🙂 Kelli
Kelli says
Hi Sabrina, I emailed you the free printables. 🙂 Kelli
Mindy Lowther says
Can I please get the printables as well?
Kelli says
Hi Mindy, I emailed you the free printables. 🙂 Kelli
Tara says
Love the printables but cannot seem to get any of the links to work.
Kelli says
Hi Tara, You should now be able to sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. ? Kelli
You can sign up here:
mirnas says
Hi Kelli, I can’t find the link as well, please email it to I’d really appreciate it. Thanks
Kelli says
Hi Mirnas, You should now be able to sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. ? Kelli
You can sign up here:
Ana says
Im not having any luck downloaing a single printable you have to offer. And after a few attempts on a few different printables i was interested in i figured I’d just give up and let you know. I was also wondering if id be possible and not to much of an inconvenience for you to just email me the organization, budget and your to-do list. I love all the ones you have to offer and everything on your site is so interesting. Keep up the great work 🙂 and below is the message i see instead of a download option..
(Its right below this on your page)
Download your Free Printable Daily To Do List and Free Printable Weekly To Do List now!
[wpdm_package id=49374 template=”link-template-default.php”]
Kelli says
Hi Ana, You should now be able to sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. You will find all the printables there. ? Kelli
You can sign up here:
Sinar Shebl says
Those are so nice, could you please email a copy for me
Thanks alot
Maira Rico says
Hi. love these printable. could you please email the link. thank you:)
Kelli says
Hi Maira, You can sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. You will find all the printables there. ? Kelli
You can sign up here:
Jason Atkins says
Hello Kelli,
I’m needing the link for the free printable link as well. Thanks in advance!
Kelli says
Hi Jason, You can sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. You will find all the printables there. Kelli
You can sign up here:
Jeanette says
Hi, I love the printables, would you please be so kind as to email them to me?
Thank you
Kelli says
Hi Jeanette, You can sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. After activating your subscription you will get a code to enter on this page where you can access all the free printables. Hope that helps! Kelli
You can sign up here:
Doris Buchholz says
I activated my subscription and received my code, but sadly there is no place on this page to enter the code. I was interested in downloading the weekly cleaning schedule for starters.
Kelli says
Hi Doris, You enter the code on the top of this page: then click “Access Printables.” 🙂 Kelli
Gina Norwood says
Hello, if you could please send me the link to the to do list, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! 😀
Kelli says
Hi Gina, You can sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. After activating your subscription you will get a code to enter on this page where you can access all the free printables. Hope that helps! Kelli
You can sign up here:
Ty Watson says
Hello I signed up for the free printables, received the code however still was unable to access the printables. Every time I clicked on a printable to redirected me back to the sign up page. Please assist.
Kelli says
Hi Ty, Did you enter the code you received via email here:
Erika says
Hi Kelli, I can’t find the link as well, please email it to I’d really appreciate it. Thank you so much
Kelli says
Hi Erika, You can sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. After activating your subscription you will get a code to enter on this page where you can access all the free printables. Hope that helps! Kelli
You can sign up here:
crystal says
Hi Kelli,
I can’t find the link, can you please email them to me at
Nicole says
Kelli says
Hi Crystal, You can sign up for my daily email and access all the free printables. After activating your subscription you will get a code to enter on this page where you can access all the free printables. Hope that helps! Kelli
You can sign up here:
Karen says
I cannot find a way to download any of the free things.
There are several I would like to try. Any help would be great.
Kelli says
Hi Karen, You need to sign up for the email newsletter to download the free printable. You can sign up here: After activating your subscription you will get a code to enter on this page where you can access all the free printables. Hope that helps! Kelli