Use these short Thanksgiving quotes to quickly express your messages of gratitude! These are the best short Thanksgiving quotes to remind of us the important things in life.

As a busy mom, I love anything quick! That’s why I love these short Thanksgiving quotes. They get the message across in just a few words. Short, sweet, and to the point. Works for me!
Sometimes, long letters of gratitude are necessary. But let’s save those for our gratitude journals! For now, we’re going to dive into short funny Thanksgiving quotes that you can print out and hang around the house, give away as gifts, or write personalized messages on for the people you care about.
Speaking of hanging décor, here are a few 3 Free Printable Happy Thanksgiving Signs!
The best short Thanksgiving quotes remind us to be thankful for all the little things in life (like these little quotes!) because the smallest things often make the biggest impact.
Tip: Hang these Thanksgiving quotes somewhere you can see them as soon as you wake up. Starting your morning with a little bit of gratitude can set the tone for a day filled with happiness and positivity!
Short Thanksgiving Quotes: Thankfulness
Do you ever get down in the dumps because things aren’t going according to plan? I think everyone can relate to that! Although your feelings are completely valid, ruminating on negative thoughts can just make us feel worse.
If you ever need a little pick-me-up, try listing three things you’re grateful for. You might find that remembering the good things in your life sparks some joy! These free printable Thanksgiving quotes short messages remind us of the importance to focus on gratitude.
Bonus Thanksgiving Quotes
Check out these additional Free Printable Inspirational Happy Thanksgiving Quotes and Images to use as décor or gifts!
Thanksgiving Quotes Short: Counting Blessings
Focusing on the things that we don’t have or the things that are going wrong has a way of making us feel like a bad luck cloud is always hovering over our heads. However, doing the opposite can make us feel like we just stumbled upon a whole garden of lucky four-leaf clovers!
Counting your blessings every day is an excellent habit to get into. Print out these short Thanksgiving quotes and start today!
Bonus Thanksgiving Quotes
Get the Thanksgiving party started with these 3 Free Printable Short Funny Thanksgiving Quotes for a Smile!
Best Short Thanksgiving Quotes: Be Present
What does it mean to be present? You know how your mind is always focused on everything all at once? You’re thinking about what to make for dinner later, worrying about if you remembered to make that doctor appointment, scheduling out your weekend…it never ends when you’re a busy parent!
When our minds are elsewhere, it can be difficult to focus on the amazing things right in front of us. Sometimes we miss the little, seemingly insignificant moments that add up to the most important things of all!
These short Thanksgiving quotes are a gentle reminder to snap back to the present moment and be thankful for everything we have right here, right now.
Bonus Thanksgiving Quotes
Here are 3 Free Printable Happy Thanksgiving Quotes for Friends and Family for the people who mean the most.
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