These free printable number line to 100 PDF downloads can help your kid learn his or her 123s as well as how to tackle addition, subtraction, or multiplication problems. Choose from three options below, including a negative and positive number line up to 100!

Number lines are routinely used in many classrooms to help kids visualize the relationship between numbers and figure out math problems from subtraction to multiplication. However, they can also be used for a more basic purpose—such as teaching your child the 123s and how to count. Whatever you need number lines for, a large number line to 100 should be in your teaching tool chest!
Here are three number line to 100 PDF downloads you can use for various purposes, including more challenging concepts like working with negative and positive numbers.
Number Line from 0 to 100
This printable number line from 0 to 100 is quite versatile. You can use it for very young children who are just getting acquainted with numbers and counting or for older children who have advanced to addition and subtraction or even multiplication problems. This basic large number line to 100 is also a great way for your kid to start getting familiar with the relationship between numbers, with smaller numbers to the left and larger numbers to the right.
Tip: If you’d rather this be a number line 1 to 100 printable, simple black out the 0. 🙂
Bonus: If you’re working on teaching your child how to count, a number line 1 to 100 printable (or 0 to 100, as is the case here) is a great resource. Here are some other printables and activities you can lean on.
- Number Tracing Worksheets
- Preschool Number Worksheets
- Color by Number Worksheets
- Number Worksheets for Kindergarten
- Number Flashcards
Free Printable Number Line to 100 by 10s
Is your kid ready for a bigger challenge? This free printable number line to 100 moves by 10s. This is a great way for your kid to start working on counting while skipping numbers.
Tip: If you want to have your kid practice counting by other numbers, such as by 2s, download the number line from 0 to 100 printable and black out the numbers you want him or her to skip!
Bonus: Here are other number line printables and worksheets to help your child get familiar with numbers.
Negative and Positive Number Line up to 100
A much more complicated version of the number line 1 to 100 printable is a number line that deals with both positive and negative numbers. It can be challenging for children to understand the relationship between positive and negative numbers, such as the fact that -90 is actually smaller than 1, let alone solve math problems that involve both. Use this negative and positive number line up to 100 to get your child more comfortable working with negative numbers.
Bonus: If you’re looking for more challenging number lines, look no further! The options below deal with decimals, fractions, negative numbers, and more.
- 4 Free Printable Fractions Number Lines (PDF Downloads) + Worksheet
- Inequalities on a Number Line
- Negative and Positive Number Line
- Negative Number Line
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