If you’re on a tight budget, saving for a major expense like a family vacation or down payment on a home, or simply get a rush every time you save money, then you’re in luck. Thanks in large part to the Internet, anyone just about anywhere can find a whole slew of ways to save money. I personally love saving money but I feel like I’ve tried (and mastered) many of the more “conventional” ways…so, what is a Freebie Finding Mom to do now? 🙂 I’ve scoured the Internet to come up with 10 new (and slightly weird) ways to save money. Sure these are weird ways to save money, but they do save you money and none of them are all that difficult making them just fine in my book!
For more great money saving tips follow Freebie Finding Mom’s Money Tips Pinterest board.
10 Weird Ways to Save Money
Weird Way to Save Money #1
Hit the showers…or not. Don’t wash your hair as often. You can save money on water and expensive hair products by reducing the number of times you wash your hair in a week. Plus, you can also save money on electricity by not having to use your hair dryer or other hair styling tools (ex. curling iron). You may think this sounds like a really weird way to save money (and potentially even a little unhygienic) but simply try washing your hair one time less each week and see how much you save both in terms of money and time. You can also save money on expensive hair care products by making them at home. For example, try this coconut oil hair mask to get beautiful, healthy hair.
Weird Way to Save Money #2
Give the maid the day off. Okay, at your house you’re probably the maid, but you can still save money by not cleaning your home as often. If you put off cleaning a little bit longer than you normally do you can use fewer cleaning products. Also consider using cloths or towels instead of paper towels when cleaning in order to save money. If the thought of cleaning your house less frequently makes you cringe then at least consider making your own homemade cleaners to save money.
Weird Way to Save Money #3
Say bye-bye to diapers. Potty training your child early is a great way to save money. Getting your little one to use the “big boy” (or girl) potty early will save you big bucks on diapers and wipes. Plus, I’m sure you won’t be sad to see diaper changing go. Hmmm, maybe this isn’t such a weird way to save money.
Weird Way to Save Money #4
Painting party…on the roof. Believe it or not, painting your roof can save you a fistful of cash. According to Mother Nature Network, homes with a white roof may be able to reduce that AC bill by up to 20%. In addition, you may be eligible for rebates or other financial incentives as a reward for “going green”.
Weird Way to Save Money #5
Skip the salon. Salon bills can be outrageous especially when you factor in things like highlights. Instead of going to the salon once a month, try to go longer between cuts, coloring, and other treatments. In addition, when it comes to little ones, consider cutting their hair at home or visiting a place slightly cheaper…after all no two-year-old needs a $50 cut.
Weird Way to Save Money #6
Go off the grid. Okay, you don’t have to move to a cabin in the middle of nowhere with no running water or electricity, but simply getting off the computer can save you money. You’ll cut your electric bill and probably avoid temptation to buy that new pair of shoes. Plus, you’ll have more time to spend with your family and that’s truly priceless.
Weird Way to Save Money #7
From trash to treasure. Just because someone else is throwing something away doesn’t mean it’s trash. Save money by being a “garbage picker” and taking goods from your neighbors curb on trash night (it may be a good idea to ask first). Our neighbors throw out some pretty great stuff. I have noticed everything from toys to large TVs. This seemingly weird way to save money may just score you some awesome stuff.
Weird Way to Save Money #8
Be a dog. Dogs aren’t wasteful, they’ll eat just about anything. You should try to acquire this trait. Instead of pitching leftovers, find creative ways to use them up. You’ll be amazed at all the money you save on food.
Weird Way to Save Money #9
Ban bottles…at least for a while. Breastfeeding longer is not only good for your child but also good for your wallet. I am not advocating breastfeeding till your child enters kindergarten but what’s wrong with breastfeeding till your child’s first birthday?
Weird Way to Save Money #10
Freeze! While your freezer may be filled with meat, pizzas, and vegetables, try to find room for some other household goods. For example, according to Mother Nature Network, storing nickel-metal hydride batteries in the freezer can extend their life by as much as 90%. You can also make pantyhose last longer by storing them in the freezer. Even food items you typically wouldn’t store in the freezer can benefit from the cold. For example, coffee will stay fresh and last longer when left in the freezer.
These 10 weird ways to save money may seem, well, odd but they work. Add these tips to your money saving arsenal and forget about how strange they may appear.
Do you know of other weird ways to save money? Share them in the comments.
Elise @frugalfarmwife.com says
Some of these are really great ideas! On the hair washing, one huge way to save is to find a hair style that doesn’t require you to use chemicals (i.e. hairspray, mousse).
If you don’t put chemicals in your hair, you’ll most likely find that it doesn’t need to be washed as often.
And on breastfeeding… my first baby nursed until 17 months, and I thought that was early weaning. 😉
Kate @ The Beautiful Useful Project says
Man! I never considered painting my roof. That’s a really cool idea.
Joni says
Yes! At first I was grossed out by the idea of not washing your hair every other day (and I live in a humid tropical country, it’s even MORE unheard of!), but I slowly “weaned” my scalp off shampoo for about 3months and now I’m on the 10th month of less washing and can survive up to 12 days without shampooing. As weird and impossible as it sounds to most people at first (me included), I am pleasantly surprised that my bleached and coloured and bleached again and coloured again hair has actually benefited LOADS and has regained its normal texture again, something that I’ve never experienced before prior to stripping my scalp of its natural oils by shampooing so often.
heather says
I don’t support potty training prior to the child being ready but how about instead of disposables, use cloth? Better for the environment and easy on your wallet 😉
Virginia says
Thanks for the creative ideas, but anyone who potty trains their child before he or she is ready will spend far more on therapy bills later than they can possibly save on diapers! I’m not kidding.
Heather says
A few interesting ideas, but I question sacrificing quality of life in exchange of pinching a few pennies. Stop cleaning my house, lower my standard of hygiene and dig through my neighbors trash? Sounds like a recipe for depression, which to me isn’t worth the couple dollars a week savings this lifestyle would offer. I’m surprised turning underpants inside out to wear them longer and not washing your clothes as often isn’t on the list.
That said – I personally love a good leftovers frittata. If re-purposing leftovers is a “weird” way to save, then how do normal people live?!
janet h says
Don’t flush every single time. Only when you need to. Unplug unused appliances, lamps, etc. Turn the heat down and put on more clothes.Grow your own vegetables and fruits. You can grow a lot in pots. You don’t necessarily need lots of land. Then can your vegetables and fruits.
Honor says
Regarding cloth nappies excellent! However I also used those thin nappy liners and threw out the soiled ones and washed the piddled ones to use again on the baby or for house cleaning.
My cleaning solution is 50 percent of both mentholated spirits and cloudy ammonia, then double this with water, add a modest squirt of dishwashing detergent and put it in a squirt bottle. Cheap as chips!
Kelli says
Great tip! Thanks!
Kelli says
Great tips, Janet! 🙂
Lee says
Actually, I find washing my hair less often has improved my quality of life! Hair washing and blow drying are tedious and BORING–doing it less often saves me time, money, and results in less hassle. ?
Lee says
Just found this blog on Pinterest–love it!
Another easy way to save is to eat less meat. (Meatless Mondays, etc.) Beans and veggies are so much cheaper, rich in protein, and healthier too.
Kelli says
Thanks, Lee! 🙂
Kim says
My daughter was pottied trained before she was 2. I just put underpants on her and said “don’t wet your pants” and she never did. Not even at night. I considered myself very lucky after potty training a stepdaughter and watching my daughter with her two kids. I used cloth diapers (it was 1977) and was I ever glad they were turned into cleaning rags!! I didn’t have a dryer so there were diapers hanging all over the house. I was also a stay at home mom, so that probably helped too.
zz says
This is probably unheard of and very hard to consider – but get rid of your smart phone and come back to the world of real conversations and meeting people face to face. Watch what is going on around you. My not fancy phone costs $100.00 per year.
linda roberson says
I have very long hair that doesn’t need washing very often so I wash about once a week. It does save time & money. Also I have painted concrete floors that don’t show dirt & are easy to clean without fancy products like my wood floor uses.
Kristen @ A Mind Full Mom says
These are great tips Kelli–I am all about the freezer and being a dog 🙂 Lol. We hate waste at our house!
DecorNation says
There are some ideas here that are pretty eccentric. Haha. But mostly nice tips here for money saving. The main idea of saving money for the long run is to understand that it takes bit by bit to have a surplus amount in the end. Your blog is a nice example of that. 🙂
Lucinda Nutting says
i had no idea that painting your roof white could retract the sun’s ways; how neat!
Kayla says
Good tips but a lot of parents who bottle feed do it because they have to. As a mother who struggled beyond belief for two months to breastfeed my child it truly irks me when people talk about this. Yes, it would have been great to save all that money on formula, but it just wasn’t possible. #fedisbest
andrius says
#5 and #6 really saving your money and it is not so weird 🙂
To save electricity, water is good for nature and for your wallet.
Jan R says
I have done a lot of these things. All of my children wore clothe diapers unless someone who did not know how to use them was watching them. That is the only time they were in disposable diapers, all my kids were potty trained around a year and a half o two years old. My three girls were breast feed. When they stopped breastfeeding they went directly to a sippy cup. I wash my hair once a week because, it has always been baby fine, I have also always cut my own hair along with my my youngest daughter’s hair because she has my texture and her father’s texture that most stylist don’t know how to work with it. Also with my youngest one, about the dog comment…I had a rule that my children had to try something they have never tried once a day, so they could know what they like and don’t like, so we did not waste money buying foods that they did not like. My youngest even today (as a young adult) still tries something new everyday because you never know what you like and don’t like until you try it. That includes activities too.Did you know making your own baby food will also save you money. Most babies like to eat what their family eats. use a hand blender (not mixer) and blend unseasoned (bland) foods that you are eating for dinner and they too will enjoy and learn different textures and flavors. Another tip for babies is don’t start them out with fruit. I learned that with my youngest. Fruits give them the taste for sugary foods over herbs and spices.
Kelli says
Hi Jan, Great tips! Thank you for sharing! 🙂 Kelli