Rummy Bears
If you’re looking for a super easy or unique adult treat for your next party, keep reading because I’m about to introduce you to “rummy bears”!
I love rummy bears for many reasons….
One: Rummy bears literally could not be easier to make which is awesome around the holidays when time is stretched pretty darn thin.
Two: Rummy bears are a pretty unusual and unique treat. It’s unlikely anyone else will show up with the same thing.
Three: Rummy bears are a tasty bite sized snack. If you’re trying not to over indulge this is a great option.
Four: Rummy bears are inexpensive to make. You only need two ingredients, and unless you get the most expensive rum at the liquor store, neither will set you back much.
Five: Rummy bears aren’t chocolate or super sweet. Look, don’t get me wrong, I’ve got a serious sweet tooth and I love chocolate, but sometimes during the holidays I feel maxed out in terms of the chocolate and sugar I can handle. Rummy bears are a little sweet, a little tart, and have a rum flavor, so its something different but still delicious!
See, there are five reasons I love rummy bears, and trust me, I could list more! Hopefully those five are enough to sell you on the idea though. Plus, if you try them and don’t like them, you really haven’t wasted much time or money… so, go ahead, give rummy bears a shot!
Want more homemade snacks like rummy bears? Then be sure to follow Freebie Finding Mom’s Homemade Snacks Pinterest board.
Bacardi Gold Rum (or your favorite rum)
Gummy bears
1. Dump gummy bears into a bowl (leave a little room).
2. Pour rum over the gummy bears.
3. Soak overnight.
Note: The gummy bears should double or triple in size.
4. Strain gummy rummy bears to remove excess rum.
5. Enjoy!
Warning: Rummy bears are an alcoholic snack; make sure to keep them away from kids.
Kristen Chidsey says
Kelli–so so fun!! My husband would get a kick out of these
Kelli says
So glad, Kristen! 🙂 Kelli