Having trouble getting up and going in the morning? This homemade wake up roller can help you spring–rather than slump–out of bed.
Homemade Wake Up Roller
Are you a morning person? Do you naturally wake up five minutes before your alarm goes off, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, more than ready to start the day? Do you spring from bed with the energy of an Olympic gymnast?
If that’s you, then this post is not for you. (Instead, if you need a little help relaxing, I recommend my bedtime roller!)
However, for the rest of us mere mortals, we need a little help in the morning to get going. Maybe you’ve been setting a back-up alarm for your real alarm (just in case you oversleep) or hitting the snooze button as many times as possible. Maybe you do that trick where you set your alarm clock or phone across the bedroom so you have to get out of bed to turn it off.
These fixes might work (to some degree), but they don’t really solve the real problem, do they? Setting multiple alarms, hitting the snooze button, and forcing yourself to get out of bed to turn off your shrieking alarm clock will make you get up–but you’re still miserable.
Too bad you can’t make yourself happy about getting up in the morning!
Or can you?
In fact, you can–by using essential oils for motivation and energy in the morning! Many essential oils have been shown in scientific studies to impact mood and energy levels. For example, citrus essential oils can lift your mood, and bergamot essential oil can increase your energy levels. (That’s because aromatherapy works on your brain and automatic nervous system.)
I don’t always love getting up in the morning. When that happens, I love to use my favorite homemade wake up roller. This recipe contains essential oils for energy and motivation, so it helps me get up and go! I keep it on my nightstand right next to my bed and pop it on in the morning whenever I need a boost.
If you’re like me, and not a morning person, you will love this homemade wake up roller. Try it out, and see what a different it makes in your mornings!
Ready to get the recipe? Here it is!
How to Make the Homemade Wakeup Roller
Jojoba Oil, Almond Oil, Fractionated Coconut Oil – carrier oil
10 drops of Orange Essential Oil
5 drops of Tangerine Essential Oil
5 drops of Bergamot Essential Oil
Roller Bottle
Funnel or Pipette
1. Remove roller cap from the bottle.
2. Carefully pour your carrier oil into the bottle using a dropper, or a small funnel up to the shoulder of the roller bottle.
3. Add orange, tangerine and bergamot oils to the bottle.
4. Replace roller portion of the bottle and shake to combine. (I let my little one color a label to identify the bottle then added the words.)
To Use:
Run roller over temples, back of neck, and even over the wrists in the morning when you need an extra boost.
This homemade wake up roller recipe is simple, yet so effective. It’s easy to make, with affordable and natural ingredients, and it lasts a very long time. (You only need a little bit for it to work.) More importantly, it’s a snap to apply when you’re half-asleep in the morning, and it works fast!
If you want, you can even experiment with this recipe to find the blend that works best for you. For example, you could use any of the following oils:
- Essential oils for motivation: lemon, orange, lime, lemongrass, rosemary, and thyme
- Essential oils for energy: bergamot, cinnamon, eucalyptus, juniper berry, and pine
With regular use, this homemade wake up roller can significantly change how you experience your mornings! Think about it: less stress, more energy, more motivation. Doesn’t that sound wonderful?
Let me know how the homemade wake up roller works for you in the comments!
Finally, for more DIY beauty ideas and essential oil uses, follow Freebie Finding Mom’s boards on Pinterest: Essential Oil Recipes, Hacks of Life, and DIY Fun.
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