The new year is a great time to take control of your finances and whip them into shape! The first step on your path towards financial fitness? Determining just how much money you spend versus how much you make on a monthly basis. Use this free personal monthly budget calculator to get a jump start on this initial task.
This free personal monthly budget calculator will also tell you if you’re running at a surplus or a deficit each month.
To get started, simply input your monthly income and all of your expenses into the designated areas below. If a category doesn’t pertain to you, just leave it blank or enter $0. When you’ve filled in all the fields, just click “calculate” and this free personal monthly budget calculator will automatically compare your income to your monthly spending. A positive number indicates how much “extra” money you make each month, and a negative number indicates how much you’re overspending each month.
Free Personal Monthly Budget Calculator Tool
Income: | |
Salary/Wages: | |
Other: | |
Expenses: | |
Housing (mortgage/rent): | |
Utilities (gas/electric/water/garbage): | |
Phone (landline and cell phones): | |
TV (cable or satellite/movie subscriptions): | |
Internet: | |
Groceries: | |
Fuel: | |
Family Expenses (day care/tuition/activities/child support/alimony): | |
Personal Care (hair cuts/toiletries/clothing): | |
Pets (food/vet/grooming): | |
Eating Out and Entertainment (books/magazines/movies/hobbies): | |
Insurance (car/home/life/disability/health/dental): | |
Debt Repayment (credit cards/car loans/home equity/student loans): | |
Property Tax (if not included in mortgage): | |
Emergency Fund: | |
Retirement Savings: | |
College Savings: | |
Savings Towards a Goal (buy a house or car/go on vacation): | |
Gifts/Charitable Donations (including tithes): | |
Miscellaneous: | |
Total: | |
Have a little extra money each month? Here are some simple ways to encourage you to continue to save money. Encountering some financial difficulties? Now that you’re aware of the issue, take control. Make a budget and stick to it! Take a look at these free personal budget templates to help you get started.
kathie says
can’t get it to work?
Kelli says
Hmmm…I just tried, it worked for me. Make sure you are clicking “Calculate” at the bottom. Hope that helps.