College Shopping List: Laundry/Cleaning
Now that you’re out on your own, you’re about to realize that it isn’t a band of magical pixies that do all the cleaning at your home… it’s your mom. Be sure to add cleaning supplies to your college shopping list and to have those items on move in day as you may need to do some tidying up before actually unpacking.
Ultimate College Shopping List Tip: Look for multi surface cleaners to cut down on the number of products you must purchase. This will save you space and money.
Laundry basket/bag
Disinfecting wipes
Oxiclean spray
Fabric softener/dryer sheets
Stain remover
Lint roller
Tide To-Go
Drying rack
Ironing board
Air sanitizer (Lysol, Oust, Febreze)
Handheld broom
Swiffer duster
Lysol wipes
Bug killer (Unfortunately, bugs are a common problem in dorms– ants, roaches, etc.)
2 rolls of paper towels
Pack of napkins
2 packs of Lysol or Clorox wipes
Windex wipes or spray
Small, lightweight vacuum
Dish soap
Dish scrubber or sponge
2 dish towels
Large trash can
Trash bags
College Shopping List: Kitchen
You can find many of the kitchen items on this college shopping list at your local thrift shop, dollar store, or at garage/yard sales. While the items may not be in the best condition (ex. chips) or may not match, keep in mind these are just college wares… you aren’t inviting your boss over to dinner in hopes of getting a promotion.
Ultimate College Shopping List Tip: Check with your college before making purchases to see what they provide and what is prohibited in the dorms. For instance, many colleges provide refrigerators (for a fee) and do not want you to bring your own.
Mini refrigerator
2 coffee mugs
Cutting board
Silverware set
Microwavable plates
Microwavable bowls
Reusable water bottles
To-go coffee mug
Microwaveable tupperware
Microwaveable steamer
Microwaveable Ramen cooker
Microwaveable soup bowl
Any other microwavable items you may need
Coffee maker or Keurig
Keurig K-cups
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