Looking for a great gift for the teachers in your life (or yourself)? This is one of my favorite essential oil roller blends, and it’s perfect for those long days in the classroom!
Essential Oil Roller Blends: DIY Teacher’s Head Discomfort Roller Recipe
Teachers are amazing, right? I mean, they’re so important in your kid’s life! They do so much work, and that work can often be really hard. Just think about it–on top of the teaching itself, there’s curriculum to plan, grading to do, administrative meetings to attend, parent questions to answer, and so more more. Not to mention, a good teacher does more than just teach: they support and inspire their students!
I am so thankful for the teachers in my son’s life, so I like to give back when I can!
Do any of you remember that video that went viral a while back, where a mom ran through Target grabbing anything and everything off the shelves (pencils, luggage, a rug, a microwave…) for the teachers because they deserve it? It’s pretty hilarious (you can watch it here)! I like to think we can all be that mom, supporting our kids’ teachers whenever we can.
However, I know that a lot of us are on a budget–and as much as we would love to give our kids’ favorite teachers a new luggage set, that’s not exactly frugal!
Instead, I like to give out one of my favorite essential oil roller blends! This Young Living roller recipe is inexpensive and easy to buy in bulk–making it a great teacher gift–as well as super simple to make! What’s more, the all-natural essential oils in this roller recipe can be very calming and relaxing–which makes this roller just the thing for soothing head discomfort. (Perfect for teachers just coming off playground duty, right?) Here’s what is inside the recipe:
- Jojoba or Grapeseed Oil – You can use either oil here: both are non-greasy and readily absorbed! Jojoba oil, in particular, has anti-inflammatory properties that may help keep the skin comfortable and aid in skin repair. Grapeseed oil also has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties, and has lots of Vitamin E.
- Panaway Essential Oil – This essential oil blend has Wintergreen, Helichrysum, Clove, and Peppermint oils! These oils have anti-inflammatory anti-microbial properties and offer a cooling, refreshing, and relaxing aroma and sensation.
- Peppermint Essential Oil – Peppermint oil has many benefits: it has anti-inflammatory properties and provides a cooling and soothing sensation when applied to the skin. Some studies have also shown that peppermint oil may help with stomach discomfort and head discomfort. That makes this oil perfect in this essential oil roller recipe.
- Lavender Essential Oil – Lavender essential oil has anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties, along with an extremely relaxing aroma. In a number of studies, the scent of lavender oil has improved participants’ mood and lessened their feelings of stress and anxiety.
- Rosemary Essential Oil – In addition to smelling amazing, a number of studies have suggested that rosemary may help with concentration, pain symptoms, and stress reduction.
Note: You can make this recipe a Doterra roller blend, Young Living roller blend, or a blend of any other brand of essential oils. I use Young Living because of their commitment to the highest quality, pure, authentic essential oils.
All these essential oils add up to one amazing and potent roller blend! I like to use this essential oil roller recipe on my temples at the first sign of head discomfort for some soothing and relaxing! Your children’s teachers will be so appreciative that you took the time and energy to create such a thoughtful, useful gift! Especially when they use it after a headache.
Ready to get started? Keep reading to learn how to make this essential oil roller blend!
Coconut Oil, Jojoba Oil or Grapeseed Oil – carrier oil
10 drops of Panaway essential oil
5 drops of Peppermint essential oil
10 drops of Lavender essential oil
10 drops of Rosemary essential oil
A Roller Bottle
1. Remove cap and roller from the top of your bottle.
2. Fill to the shoulder of your bottle with a carrier oil; using a dropper, pipette, or tiny funnel will make this process much easier (and neater).
3. Carefully drop in your essential oils.
4. Replace cap and roller, and shake well.
5. To add a little special touch, let your child decorate with school themed stickers for the teacher. Then, cover with clear packing tape to keep them from falling off.
To Use:
Roll across forehead, temples, and on the back of the neck at the first sign of head discomfort.
For even more DIY beauty and gift ideas, follow Freebie Finding Mom on Pinterest! Check out the Essential Oil Recipes, Hacks of Life, and DIY Fun boards for tons of recipes, ideas, and inspiration!
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