Being tasked with throwing someone a baby shower can be a lot of fun; however, it can also be a lot of responsibility. That responsibility becomes all the more weighty when you’re on a tight budget. After all, there are games to plan, food to pick out, and decorations to choose…all of which can be costly. However, have no fear. It is possible to throw a baby shower on a budget without cutting corners to the point where the party becomes lacking. One way to save money is by using DIY baby shower decorations.
The mere mention of DIY baby shower decorations may make you cringe and groan aloud. After all, not all of us can be Martha Stewart clones. In fact, some of us can hardly wield a glue stick without major complications. Luckily, for those of us that are a little craft challenged, there are plenty of easy DIY baby shower decorations. In fact, here’s one simple DIY baby shower decoration that’s sure to wow!
For more DIY baby shower decorations and party decorating ideas follow Freebie Finding Mom’s Kids Party Ideas Pinterest board.
Sharp scissors
Large serving fork
Florist wire – I used 22 gauge and twisted it twice to re-enforce.
1. Wrap the yarn around the serving fork tines 50 times.
2. Cut a 3-4” piece of yarn and slip through the bottom of the serving fork tine and tie once squeezing tightly and knotting.
3. Remove the yarn puff from the fork tines and using the scissors, snip the loops. Fluff out and trim the yarn as needed to form a cute flower.
4. Cut the desired length of your florist wire and fold over once to double the length. Twist it all the way down to the bottom and trim for the length you would like.
5. Push the top loop of the wire up into the flower and out the top. Bend the top loop down a little bit to form a hook (no longer longer than 1 cm) and hook it back into the yarn. The flower will stay once it’s hooked. Repeat with the other yarn flowers.
There you have it…a simple, frugal, yet beautiful DIY baby shower decoration. You can easily make the yarn flowers out of any color you desire (ex. pink for a little girl, blue for a little boy, etc.). This is just the tip of the DIY iceberg. For more DIY baby shower decorations simply head over to Pinterest – you’ll find a plethora of ideas there.
Do you know of any DIY baby shower decorations? If so, share them in the comments…the simpler to create the better!
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