The end result of moving may be an exciting new home with more space or better features but the actual process of moving is typically boring, stressful, and often, expensive. If you’re facing a move, it’s probably necessary. After all, who would simply decide to move for no particular reason?
In order to make the process less taxing, here are some tips for moving as well as a moving checklist. In addition to cutting down the stress of a move, these tips for moving and moving checklist will help you avoid added expenses such as having to run out and buy a bunch of toiletries because you can’t find your own among the sea of boxes.
Review these moving tips and keep this Free Printable Moving Checklist handy to ensure you don’t forget a step.
Download this Free Printable Moving Checklist
25 Tips for Moving
1.) One of the most important tips for moving is to pack an overnight bag (or box) containing essentials. Here is an overnight bag moving checklist:
Baby supplies (ex. diapers, formula, wipes)
Basic tools (ex. screwdriver, hammer)
Bed linens
Cell phone (or some kind of telephone)
Cell phone charger
Change of clothes
Cleaning supplies (including a broom and paper towels)
Disposable dishes (including cups and silverware)
Face cleanser
First aid kit (including bandages)
Flashlight (bring some extra batteries)
Hair appliances (ex. hairdryer)
Hairstyling products
Nonperishable snacks
Over-the-counter medicine (ex. pain relievers)
Pet food
Prescription medications (ex. birth control)
Soap (ex. shower gel, body wash)
Trash bags
Wash clothes
2.) Instead of splurging on bubble wrap, wrap breakable items in clothing. Use enough clothing so that items don’t have any room to shift around in the box. If you don’t have enough clothing, you can stuff cups and glasses with crumpled up newspaper.
3.) This tip for moving may seem pretty obvious but don’t wait until the last minute to start packing. Instead, pack room by room and start with rooms that aren’t often used such as the guest room.
4.) Before moving day arrives, head to your new place and do some pre-cleaning. It’ll be much easier to get the place spic-and-span before all of your stuff is there.
5.) This tip for moving can save you money and time. Save money on boxes and time packing by leaving drawers intact. For example, remove a dresser drawer, leave the clothes in place, and simply put Press’n Seal or masking tape over the top.
6.) You might want to go ahead and just stock up on Press’n Seal. In addition to the tip for moving above, you can also use Press’n Seal to keep jewelry displays together.
7.) Place small parts (ex. screws) into sandwich or snack bags so they don’t get lost during the move. You can use a piece of masking tape or sticker to label what the pieces go to.
8.) This tip for moving will save you time (and possibly a whopping dose of irritation) down the road. Take photos of how your electronics are connected so that you can remember how to set them up in your new place.
9.) Save money on boxes by putting laundry baskets, hampers, suitcases, and garbage bags to work.
10.) If you’re bringing in professional movers to handle the labor, be sure to read the fine print for any strange rules or legalese that may be a problem. For example, many moving companies are only liable for broken items if they packed them. It may be a good idea to take photographs of valuables (including furniture) beforehand to document the condition.
11.) Save yourself a lot of stress by heeding this tip for moving: Change your address at least two weeks prior to vacating your current residence. This will help ensure you receive all of your bills and other mail.
12.) This tip for moving might actually make you some money! If you have items you’d like to unload but don’t want to just give them away, list them on sites like eBay, Etsy, or Craigslist approximately 1 to 1.5 months before moving. If you think something isn’t worth much, list it anyway…you’d be surprised at what people will buy.
13.) Hire a sitter (or coax a friend or relative into volunteering) for children and/or pets on moving day.
14.) Whether you’re vacating a rental or selling your current home, you’ll want to leave it clean for the new occupants. Plan how (and when) you’ll clean it after removing all of your belongings. In addition, be sure to leave some cleaning supplies there for your use.
15.) This is another tip for moving that may seem pretty obvious but it really can save you money. Instead of buying boxes (which can cost well over $2 a piece), get free boxes from friends, relatives, local businesses (ex grocery stores), and even Craigslist.
16.) Pack light items in big boxes and heavy items in small boxes; while this many seem counterintuitive, this strategy will help you avoid box breakage.
17.) Don’t take items you don’t need or use to your new place. Remove clutter before packing! If you haven’t used an item in about year and it doesn’t have sentimental value, get rid of it.
18.) This tip for moving allows you to get creative and can even be fun. Instead of moving all those odds and ends taking up space in your fridge and pantry, come up with a new dish to use them. Scour Pinterest and the Internet for great ideas and inspiration. If all else fails, donate nonperishable items to the local food kitchen.
19.) Consider having any large rugs professionally cleaned before moving. Not only will you get a clean rug but they will return from the cleaners rolled and ready to move.
20.) Break down any and all possible items.
21.) This tip for moving may be a little more difficult than others. Be space conscious when packing the truck. Be sure to fill every nook and cranny. If it helps, think of it as a game of Tetris. It may be helpful to designate one person (who is reasonably good at geometry) to stay in the truck and arrange things as they are brought out.
22.) Take the time to carefully label or even color code boxes as this will make unpacking go much faster.
23.) Get help! Moving will be much easier and go much faster if you have ample assistance. Convince friends and family members to pitch in and help. Bribing them with pizza is typically a good starting point.
24.) This tip for moving requires a bit of organization skills but it’s worth the effort. Put together a moving binder in which you can keep everything from receipts to the phone numbers of the utility companies.
25.) While children may be in the way on the actual moving day, get kids involved with the packing process. Often, children don’t want to move – especially if it means changing schools. Getting them involved in the process can help them feel empowered and ready to face the unknown.
There you have it, 25 tips for moving! Utilize these tips for moving as well as the free printable moving checklist and it’ll be a smooth move.
Thanks, Remodelaholic, How Stuff Works, Martha Stewart and Buzzfeed!
Can you think of any other great tips for moving? If so, share them in the comments.
Emily says
Great tips!
Shannon says
Thank you for sharing this checklist. I always seem to forget something,
Dianne says
Really helpful!
Thank yoU!
Edna Williams says
Where was this list 15 years ago? LOL Thanks for sharing.
Elephantand Castle Man And Van Ltd. says
Great article! Take pictures of the back sides of electronics, computers, TVs, and speaker systems so you can reference the images to quickly reassemble your setup at the new house! Moving, combined with new home or apartment expenses can be stressful, so the last thing you need is additional headaches as you get your new place set up. Follow the tips here and you will be just fine.
Kelli says
Great advice. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Ryan Scott says
Great post . Make sure to pack your stuff the right way esp your applicanses nd some electronics gadgets. Keep their cord labeled.