7 PRINTABLE halloween masks for kids

These seven printable Halloween masks are perfect for last minute costume changes or snafus or just playing pretend all year long. 

Seriously, these aren't just printable Halloween masks. They can be used all year round to enhance games of pretend.

Oh, and each mask has two versions—colored and uncolored. Opt for the uncolored mask if you want to give your kid a chance to add his or her personal artistic touch!

This unicorn mask printable is a fierce option for the mythical creature (or kid) in your life.

Your kid is sure to be the cat's meow with the help of this printable animal mask!

If you're looking for something more fun than frightening, a cat costume is definitely a cute option.

This printable Halloween mask will turn your kid into a creature of the night. (Well, the printable mask plus all the sugar in that candy!)

Visit our website to find lots of printables to help you get organized, save you money, make your life easier, and have more fun!