Forget  goal tracking apps! Why?

This goal  tracking template printable is a great way to  keep track of everything from academic to financial goals.

According to the  American Psychological Association,  "If you are trying to achieve a goal, the more often that you monitor your progress, the greater the likelihood that you will succeed. "

Your chances  of success are even more likely if you report your progress publicly or physically record it!

I truly believe that this visual goal tracker printable would beat all of the so-called "best goal tracking apps."

This visual goal tracker printable has everything you need to work toward achieving four separate goals at one time.

The template includes: - Lines to write your goal. - A field to write a deadline. - A checkbox for you to tick when you've accomplished.  - Step-by-step breakdowns.

The best way to set goals is to make them SMART!

S - Specific M- Measurable A- Achievable R - Relevant T - Time-bound

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